Sour Mash’s Birthday Party Sans Sour Mash

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 05/19/2022

PAX: Harden, Cruiser, Adobe, Madoff, Schneider, 60 Minutes, Eye Candy, DQ

Sour Mash announced his birthday after I announced my Q of Distillery on Monday at VI.  He gave some mention of possibly showing up even though it was his MWF week (BTW this concept of alternating weeks with different workouts was introduced to SM by YHC).  After spending almost no time prepping for the workout,  it hit me that even if he didn’t show we could celebrate the mayor of WeFoCo, the godfather of The Distillery, A Giffing legend the one and only Sour Mash.  Now to come up with something fitting.  Going to get coffee was considered but ultimately nixed.

The pax arrived from various directions but no sign of Mash.  Neither his blood brother Schneider nor his bourbon brother Harden knew if he would show.  Nevermind, YHC was not to be deterred from the plan.

Warmorama covered most of the standards including an old back exercise – yeah read those adjectives whichever way you like.  At 60’s recommendation we tried a little yoga which was slightly more effective. Finished up with a few dry dock crabs.  Possibly a first for Eye Candy.  He’s now prepared to go out break dancing at the club tonight.

We then moseyed across the street to the football field for the Main Event.  Newer pax were informed of the beginnings of The Distillery and Sour Mash’s long and sordid history with Carla.

Instructions were somewhat simple – in keeping with something SM could follow if he had been there.

Exercises at each of the four corners of the field using the first letters our birthday boy’s name:

S – Slerkins

O- Overhead Claps

U – Up Downs

R – Running with Scissors

repeato before going to MASH

M – Mike Tysons

A – Alabama Prom Dates

S – Squats

H – Hand Release Merkins

repeato and we had enough time to do one more lap but doubled up on letters at each stop. At least that’s the way I remember it.

Back to start for a few minutes of Mary. DONE


While Mash was missed, we fondly remembered him and some may have even said bad things about him though none were recorded

Overall this is a group of hard workers and not a ton of MC

Eye Candy is becoming a WeFoCo regular.  He got out of the car smiling and worked hard all day

YHC got to complain to 60 about Novant’s billing practices

Madoff and YHC had a lengthy post game about the market – writing this a week later all seems like ancient history #rollercoastercontinues

My intention was to do a twofer this week with backblasts but COVID knocked me out of Qing Mayhem Wed.  So this is what you’re getting.  YHC heard some pax showed up for my short notice cardboard instructions there and “enjoyed” it.


YHC took us out

Always an honor