QIC: Undertow

Date: 5/7/2022

PAX: Starfish, D-Day, Hoptoberfest, Cheese Steak, Woodpecker, Mongoose, Green Acres, Pony Express, Bluto, Bulldog, Linus, Spamalot, Boomerang, Parquet, Burlap, BAM, Lemming, High Cotton, Prada, Undertow, and Others Missed due to Recording Failure, Apologies.

22 to launch the Soft Hits of Yesteryear with Exertion Wordwide Tour 2022 (#SHYE22). As Starfish pointed out, The Idles are neither soft nor Yesteryear.

Warm: SSH, Windmills, IST, merkins

Lot#2: merkins, Arm Swirlies, Dry Docks, repeato.

Tennis Station #3: Dry Docks (I see what you did there), Run Drill 1st touchline 30, 2nd 20, 3rd 10 Copper Head Squats. Nantan Emeritus Spamalot called many out for poor form on the Copper Head Squats. He was right. More merkins.

Pull Up Station #4: Partner up, alternating 7 pullups and 14 heels to heaven, five rounds of each,

Swingset Station #5: Prom Dates, Dyin’ Cockroac’ followed by American Hammer, 10 each, three rounds. Mini Dora partner up for team 50 merkins, 100 LBCs, 150 Squats.

Rock Garden Station #6: medium size rock between 2.7 and 2.9 kg. Mongoose took out his personal scale and abacus to select just the right one. Curls, Curlpress, Skull Krushers, Bent Over Back Destroying Rows. 10 each, three rounds. Wave of Indecision prior to mosey to Lido. Pony and Cheesesteak lead the way.

Lido Station #7: Dirkins, Irkins, Left Leg Steps, Right leg, 10 each, Box Jumps 5, Repeato. Dips in cadence x 15.

Mary: Freddy Mercury, Low Dolly, penguins, Low Flutter, more merkins. Protractor.

COT: Pony has Purgatory next Saturday; he teased the theme. Need Q and hands for GreeNest in two weeks. Coffeteria. Prayers for Giles and his family as they look forward to more stability in their home and lives. Prayers for war torn cities, and most importantly, for our mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and all the other women that sustain us. Great to see Cheese Steak, still not breaking a sweat. Linus looking like he has been doing this for years. YHC enjoyed the morning, and hopes you did too.

1 Comment

  • BAM
    May 7, 2022 3:14 pm

    Looks like a good time! FWIW the “proper” spelling for Parkay, is Parkay. Cause it’s alleged he is actually the son of Butter. No connection to flooring style. (and actually no connection to Butter, but it was alleged at that initial workout based on some MC, so, as usual, pax went with it!)

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