Planetary Conjunction at The Iron Throne

QIC: Ziggy

Date: 3/28/2022

PAX: Tonka, Crash, Drip, Lace, Burns, Spamalot, Green Acres, Airbag, Frostbite, Ziggy (QIC)

While finishing up the backblast for yesterday’s Distillery beatdown, YHC discovered to his embarrassment that he had forgotten to hit publish with this previous one from Iron Throne a few weeks back.


Decided to skip SSH and start off a little differently with a mosey down the hill and back to the start.

Stretches: Abe Vigoda / Whirlys / up dog and down dog / lunge left and right with arm extended


PAX moseyed to the court near the playground and lined up at one end.

Lunge walk to the other side and complete 20 dive bombers and run back

Repeat this with:

Inch worms / 20 squats

Bear crawls / 20 diamond merkins

Crab walk / 20 Freddie Mercs

Move on to the playground area for a TEN SET COUNTDOWN

First set 10 reps each exercise, counting down to 1

Pull Ups




At each corner with ascending reps, then mosey to the next:

5 burpees / 5 LBCs / 5 monkey humpers

5 burpees / 10 LBCs / 10 monkey humpers

5 burpees / 15 LBCs / 15 monkey humpers

5 burpees / 20 LBCs / 20 monkey humpers

Swing by the PICNIC TABLES:

right leg step ups 10 oyo

erkins 10 oyo

left leg step ups 10 oyo

dips 10 oyo

derkins 10 oyo

Repeat this one more time, then back for some MARY in the parking lot


Unfortunately YHC had a voice memo fail but took us out with prayers for those spoken and unspoken.


Burns pointed out an amazing ‘moonrise’ just behind the trees, followed by a discussion of what all those lights up there were (Russian satellites?). Crash figured out this was a rare conjunction of Venus, the Moon, Mars, and Saturn which won’t happen again till 2040. One of those opportunities you get starting out early in the Gloom .

Great group of men this morning! An honor to lead and strong work by all!