Masters Week___The Happy Gilmore

QIC: Adobe

Date: 04/05/22

PAX: Tonka, f3schneider, ziggy stardust, Subfloor, cruiser, Starfish, Adobe (Q)

Well Well Well….

It’s the 2nd most wonderful time of the year. That’s right, it’s Masters Week (Christmas first, right? ). All things green grass and Green Jackets are a sign that Spring has sprung. Sprung? I was looking forward to this Q as soon as the opportunity was thrown out by Ziggy. With all my Q’s thus far, they sound really good in my head, look a little more convoluted on paper, and most times crash and burn in real life. But, I believe everyone at least enjoyed the playlist and the playtime. Let’s roll…

History Lesson, in honor of Pony Express. Since this was Parliament, of course we had to throw in some American History. On this day, 1. Washington exercised first Presidential Veto. ( Vetoed a bill in the House of Rep. that would have divided seats unevenly. 2. Grunge music lost a very influential musician .___ Pax received 1 official Veto to be used during the workout, and the Playlist was a homage to the ’94 grunge music scene.


SSH ( Duh…), IST’s ( Still get confused with Storm Trooper or Walkers? ), Arm Swirlies, Abe Vigoda, Whirly_still has the clap. All IC.

Time to VERY SLOW MOSEY to grab some blocks. Blocks grabbed….John Cusack back to the parking lot where cones were professionally set up by @cruiser ( maybe punisher now ?) and YHC.


I didn’t see any references for this “routine” on the Exicon, so does that mean I get the official naming rights? We called this ((( THE Happy Gilmore ))).

The Happy Gilmore: In honor of it being Masters week and 26 years ago ( not exactly today but its fiction ), Happy Gilmore defeated Shooter McGavin, and won the coveted Gold Jacket to become the Pro Golf Tour Champion. Officially 2/16/1996, but we’re going to say 4/5/1996. Sorry Warner Brothers. 😉

Each PAX gets a turn to drain the long “putt”. If the PAX makes the “putt”, other PAX have to do 18 reps of the called exercise. If the PAX misses the “putt”, the other PAX have to do 36 reps of the called exercise. The PAX who took the putt and successfully makes the putt has to Bull Dance to the farthest cone, and Apollo Creed back to the group while the others do the exercise. Shooting Pax pick’s up the 6 until everyone’s done.

( Once each PAX has had a turn to putt, start over with the first PAX and this time do either 54 or 72 Reps of the exercise, depending on a miss or make. ) OUCH. Also, side note….in honor of Mr. Gilmore, we were using a hockey stick as the “putter” and street hockey balls as the Titleist.


1.  Irkins
2.  Skull Crushers w. Block ( Duh )
3.  Mike Tyson’s
4.  Lunges w. Block ( Alternating )
5.  Lawnmowers
6.  Calf Raises w. Block
7.  Block Swings
8.  WWII’s w. Block
9.  Alternating Shoulder Taps
10.  Groiners ( Alternating )
11.  Derkins (((( VETO USED )))) Think this was due to darkness, a Q Fail, and not wanting to pto perform 72 of these bad boys due to a missed “putt”.
12.  Plank Jacks
13.  Bench press ( from your 6 )
14.  J-Lo’s \ Pickle Pounder ( Choise).
15.  High Knees ( Single count if we get into the 2nd cycle )
16.  American Hammers
17.  Squats w. Block
18.  LBC’s

We had a chance to do 3 more attempts and exercises.

PAX killed this workout___ t claps.

Done… Take block back and return to parking lot for Mary.


On our 6…..obviously.

Heels to Heaven, Freddie Mercs, Alabama Prom Dates…




Count off – Name O Rama.


Prayers for my daughter on a school field trip and upcoming Spring Break travel plan.

YHC took us out. Prayers for unspoken prayers and all the conflicts going on in the world. Prayers for all our F3 brothers.


The Rest of the Story:

This was a fun one. Hope everyone got the ole heart rate up. As always, I tried to stay away from the running and the burpees. Gotta watch out for my homies.

Tonka totally came through for us; pulled off the Hat Trick. ( Think he needs to take up hockey ). With 7 PAX, we made it to the bonus round really quick. The 54 or 72 reps was NOT a pleasant experience. Every PAX present KILLED this workout. You guys always push. Thank you for the accountability and the effort.

Till next time….. @Adobe…out.
