Hammerin Hank

QIC: Burns

Date: 4.4.2022

PAX: Schneider, Singing Cowboy, Drama Queen (WD), Sea Man, Starfish, Burns (WB, QIC)

Got the morning started with a beautiful EC run with TSC, DQ, and Schneider. Sea-Man & Starfish joined up for the beatdown. YHC was inspired by today’s date, as you’ll see below.

WoR – Stretchy stretches, SSH, Whirlies, more stretchy stretches, Hillbillies, Michael Phelps

The Thang – mosey to the field. New routine – the Hammerin Hank. Start in a central location and run to corner A – 44 squats. Back to the middle – 11 burpees. Corner B – 44 merkins, back to the middle for 11 burpeees. Corner C – 44 reverse lunges (single count), back for 11 burpees. Corner D – 44 WWIIs, back to the middle for 11 burpees (for a total of 44 burpees).

Mosey to the hill behind the YMCA for a mini-DORA. 44 doublewide merkins, 88 sumo squats, 132 lbcs.

Mosey to the shelter for 11s…start at 9 & 2 and add/subtract until 2 & 9. Gets you 44 total reps, in case you were wondering. Set 1: irkins and dips. Set 2: squats to the bench and v-ups.

YHC needed a time waster at this point so I called 22 step ups each leg before moseying back to launch for Mary.

8 minutes to go – popcorn-style around the circle twice. Exercises called included but were not limited to low flutters, alabama prom dates, box cutters, american hammers, low dollys, penguin crunches, muttons, and alternating shoulder taps. I know I’m missing a few because there were 12 total mary exercises #QTimingFail


NMM – I expected the Hammerin Hank to take at least 20 minutes and it took…12. Maybe next time I’ll call a repeato. Some happy chatter about using the hill, apparently the VI regulars have been missing it in recent beatdowns. It was determined that Starfish was our median (in age), to which DQ said not to cross him. Great comedic timing.

Prayers for my sister in law adjusting to a new city and needing a good friend group. No others were spoken. YHC took us out.

Sea-Man, thank you for the keys. YHC promises to come again when I’m not Q!