Most Relaxing Q

QIC: Subfloor

Date: 3/30/22

PAX: Adobe, Dr. Toot, High Cotton, Splash, Workbench

Warm-O-Rama: 30 SSHs since it was March 30, Abe Vigoda, Whirly with a clap, Arm swirlie things both ways, Michael Phelps. At Mayhem you say relax instead of recover, which made High Cotton very proud it’s catching on.

The Thang:

Before we even started, most of the PAX threaten that they had to leave early.

Started out with Bear crawl across parking lot with a Carolina Dry Dock at each line. Pax mutinied at the end for a 10 count before we did Crawl bears back with Shoulder Tap Merkins at each line.

We then mosey to the top of the hill to nowhere, which the PAX thought was for some reason, but it was a totally pointless jaunt.

Back in the parking lot, we all picked out a rock. YHC informed everyone to get a Goldilocks rock, but maybe everyone didn’t hear. Workbench may have gotten too big of one.

At the start of the lot we did Twin Tower of Trust, about 3 times, to the middle and left a pile of the rocks.

What doesn’t Dora you makes you stronger. Or is it dumber? We split up into partners and did Doracides to the delight of all the PAX. I thought I heard shouts of joy or was that cursing?

We finished with our rocks in hand and did 30 American Hammers, 30 Overhead Presses, 30 Boxcutters, and 30 curls. This is where 2 PAX had to leave early.

Finished with some Mary and ended with a Body Destroyer.