Urban Assault Doesn’t Take Long

PAX: Lamb Chop, Transcript, Doogie(WB), Crash, Dr. Toot(WD,Q), Spicoli, Chick Flick, Burns, Post Hole

A drowzy, reluctant Q arrived at the misty, foggy AO to a relatively, large and energetic PAX anticipating the BOOM that only the Tootster can deliver. Bringing my best fake energy, we began with the …

WARM-O-RAMA: SSH, IST, Abe Vigodas, 5 burpees, stretchy stretches.

THE THANG: Moseyed to the train tracks for the Cindy, 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats. Repeato 5 times. Moseyed round about to the parking lot next to the AO. On the way, we stopped for 20 WW IIs. At the parking lot, we teamed up for a 1-2-3 Dora of 100 merkins, 200 Freddy Mercury’s, and 300 squats. The slight twist was the short distance for the mosey so there would be multiple exchanges. We took a round about mosey from the parking lot to the Tar Branch Trail. On the way, we Jack Reachered, and Wall to the Balled it. At the Trail, we had a Ring of Fire for 5 merkins twice and eleven monkey humpers twice. My Weinke was poised for another thrill when I was informed that there was two minutes to return to the AO, so we humped it back home.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence April 2, EH a FNG or someone we haven’t seen in a while. Swiss Miss’s birthday is soon.

MNM: Doogie was upfront all morn and needs to Q; he’s an Alpha. Lamb Chop and Chick Flick were holding court throughout. Me thinks this is too easy for them. Transcript is upping his game. Crash is transforming himself, I think he needs a bigger shirt, good job. Post Hole and Burns bring the pleasant fire as they lead. Spicoli is always right on time with EC merkins.

Post Hole, I left the keys in the water fountain.

1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    March 3, 2022 1:14 pm

    Solid lead as always, @root! YHC still needs to work back up to pullups, but a few at a time works. All got stronger

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