Nothing but Love for Valentine’s Day RNG

QIC: Burlap

Date: 14 Feb 2022

PAX: Balco, BoutTime, JuiceBox, Mutton, Boo, Boo, Woodpecker (WB), Bueller, and Burlap (QIC & WD)

Weather:  26 and clear under a large, romantic moon.

Route:  Flat for W-S with only about 90 feet of gain and on mostly well-lit, well-paved streets lined with fine homes.  About 3.2 miles.

Location:  Start/Finish at Knollwood Baptist Church on the edge of Buena Vista and just off Salem Parkway for easy access.

Gun:  Merkins/Squats, then Hillbillies/Curtsy Lunges, then Mutton Crunch/Mutton Crunch, with 20 on and 10 off, no break between sets.

COT:  Give blood, especially this Sat Feb 19 at Coliseum Drive.  Woodpecker has a CAT scan to make sure that he is still cancer free about five years past his last occurrence; pray for this on/before Tuesday.  YHC took us out.



  • From what I could tell, there were two groups:  faster guys (Balco, BoutTime, JB) and slower guys (the rest of us).  The slower guys stayed together generally.
  • Mutton’s car was too cold to unlock.  Rather than go back to bed and call AAA, he ran from his home toward the start and met us about halfway along Greenwich.  He probably got in 3.75 miles.
  • Also, Mutton was the only one to have bare legs — we all wore shorts, but everyone else had tights underneath.
  • Boo Boo and Woodpecker could have run faster (as could Bueller, I would say) but these two were content to talk throughout most of the 5K while Mutton and I tried to catch our breaths.
  • JB and Bueller wore red for the special occasion.
  • We ran within a couple of blocks of the homes of the following folks :  Mutton (present), Boo Boo (present), BoutTime (present), and Cheerio (noticeably absent).
  • YHC used the “70s Road Trip” channel on Spotify for random music… and ads.
  • JB and YHC fondly remembered when Bill Clinton’s campaign for President used “Don’t Stop Thinking about Tomorrow” by Fleetwood Mac.  Not that we are Clinton fans.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  • Five of the eight Pax have names starting with the letter “B”.
  • YHC thanked the Pax for being my Valentines, but if they heard me, they wisely ignored me.

Good start to my day.  Thanks for letting me “lead” this morning.

