
QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 2/8/2022

PAX: Greenspan, Bevo, Airbag, Lamb Chop, Root Canal, Van Gogh, Spicoli, Honey Badger

8 Pax plus the Q ventured out on a day when school was cancelled due to ice to experience a Flatline workout.  0525 cones were set out.  0528 pax were stretching and complaining about the cones and the “ice” in the parking lot.  0530 the chatter stopped and the complaining began.

one lap around the parking lot as air bag pulled in right on time and we didnt want to lose him.

the warm up – yhc promised the pax that he would get them warm on this “icy” day so 2 cones were setup 8 parking places apart.  it was simple…..

10 burpees at cone 1.

bear crawl DB drill to cone 2.

2 divebombers at cone 2.

mosey back to cone 1 for 8 burpees

repeat ladder till 2 burpees and 10 divebombers.

we were warm (except VG’s fingers……)

Mosey to the pavilion – there are 6 sections of seats and each section has 5 rows.

round 1 – 3 squats, box jump up a row, 3 squats, box jump up a row…….repeat for all 5 rows and all 6 sections (90 squats, 30 box jumps)

round 2 – 2 burpees, lateral box jump up a row…….. (60 burpees, 30 lateral box jumps)

round 3 – 3 sections with squats, 3 sections with burpees (45 squats, 30 burpees, 30 box jumps)

mosey back to start – Freddie merc, low flutter and Hucks 3 merkins.

and done.

announcements – blood drive, give some

prayers – Giles and family, Lamb Chops uncle


spicoli – “that was a pretty rough warm up” or root “that sucked”

multiple requests to omaha the warm up, it was miserable

after round 2 in the pavilion, the generous Q asked the pax if they wanted a 3rd round or to go back to start and do the warm up again.  unanimous to stay for round 3.

burpees on the rows were tough and we totaled 120

Van Gogh complained about his fingers being cold…….get some winter gloves, its 20 degrees outside.

Spicoli crushed it.

Honey badger is an animal

Airbag was silent….either too easy for him, or he couldnt breathe.

Bevo separated from the group and got it done- and the box jumps at the end were impressive

Greenspan randomly said “go eat spinach”.  dietary recommendation?  new fad?  delirious???

overall this was rough but the pax got after it in the cold.

I was honored to lead this morning.  And 60 hours later as i write this……i may still be sore.

Until next time…Huckleberry