What Are The Odds v4 – WIB 1.20.22

QIC: Burns

Date: 1.20.22

PAX: Van Gogh, Palin, Cherry Pie, Crash, Mutton, Drama Queen, Root Canal, Burns

A finer group of HIMs is hard to find. This octet assembled to tackle the now annual tradition of my What Are The Odds Q that happens to fall on the Thursday closes to my F3 anniversary. Entering into my fifth year of gloomage, I am continually thankful for this group that pushes me to be my best self.

YHC arrived early to set up shop in the parking deck. Note: this workout usually occurs at the Thruway shopping center, but the likely presence of ice and the impending threat of rain forced us under a shelter. Once 0530 arrived, we ambled into the deck and found this year’s weinke. YHC explained the rules over some un-cadenced ISTs, and we began.

Every round, roll the seven dice located in the tupperware. Add the two colorful dice together to get your burpee total, and the five remaining white dice for your exercise total. Once completed, run up three levels and back. Each round add another exercise from the weinke.

  • Diamond Merkins
  • Parker Peters
  • Bonnie Blairs
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Mike Tysons
  • Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • Bootstrap Squats
  • Heels to Heaven w/a Twist

If I recall correctly the dice rolls this year were 7/17, 4/14, 5/22, 7/16, 3/18, 5/21, and 11/12. I wrote them down on my phone as soon as we were done but I can’t be 100% certain of the accuracy.

Cherry Pie paced the group and got to the 8th round but couldn’t complete it, so the task of getting all the way through the weinke remains yet to be conquered.

YHC, Palin, Van Gogh, and Root Canal all made it back to the bottom after round 7 and did one burpee to say that we started round 8 but I’m still not sure I can count it.

Despite my shameless Slack EHing, I only got two newcomers to the workout…and in typical fashion Drama Queen and Crash both took to it with gusto and minimal mumble chatter.

Mutton had the quote of the morning when we got to round 5 … “What’s next? Mike Tysons? Oh, shit!”

Cherry Pie insists he could write a better weinke than I. He also said there wasn’t enough ab work.

Cherry Pie also left us with a great word in CoT about the power of positive reinforcement. We should all be quicker to pass out high fives and fist bumps during workouts.

Prayers were lifted up for DQ’s friend, YHC’s friends, CP’s upcoming travels, and others both said and unsaid.

Root Canal, the keys may have ended up in a snowbank in the parking lot, which oughta melt before Thursday.