Terrible and More Terrible

QIC: Subfloor

Date: 12/18/2021

PAX: Adobe, Crash, Ziffel, Van Gogh, Dr. Toot, Huckleberry, Cruiser, Offsides

Warm-O-Rama: SSHs, Abe Vigoda, Arm swirlie things, Whirly with a clap, maybe some other can’t remember.

The Thang:

Pax choice of  terrible or more terrible exercises based on a series of T/F questions (Common Misconceptions) to work the mind and the body. (Okay, maybe not really a choice.)

Started strong with a correct answer. Bear crawls across parking lot with a Carolina Dry Dock at each line and back. If answered wrong, would have been Crawl bears with Shouldar tap merkins at each line.

Mosey to playground parking lot. Pax hit a bad spell with a series of 4 wrong answers. First would have been a Dora, but did Doracides instead. Van Gogh called an Omaha to switch 200 LBCs with Squats. Next would have been 11s of SSHs/plank jacks, but we did 21s instead. Followed by 40 Foxholes instead of 20 Merkins/20 Freddie Mercuries. May have mixed up the order.

Mosey to pull up bars to end the 4 straight wrong answers. Would have done Six Pack but did Baker’s Dozen instead (new exercise?), which is like Six Pack except 13 instead of 6 (1 pull up, 12 merkins). Modified to only go up.

Mosey to gravel lot with block. Ended strong with 3 correct answers in a row. 10 Curls, 10 OH Presses, 10 Squats (instead of 20 of each). 20 boxcutters (instead of 50 lowflutters). 20 Murder Bunnies (instead of 20 Murder/20 Resurrection bunnies).

Mosey back to starting spot and did a few Marys. Dr. Toot ended with a 10 count merkin down and up.

Lots of mumble chatter throughout, not sure if due to more terrible exercises or the strain on the brain. Hard to say what hurt more at the end, body or mind.


Convergence on Jan 8 for 8 year anniversary at Hanes Park.

No SuperMaxx or Alcatraz on Christmas.

Van Gogh to do Murph challenge in 2022, 50 Murphs during the year.


Safe travels for Ziffel and his family.