Parliament EMOM

QIC: Workbench

Date: 12/21/2021

PAX: H.O.G, huckleberry, f3schneider, 60 MINUTES, Starfish, boomerang, cruiser, Adobe, harden, Zima, Workbench


20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker for the Pax (Hillbillies for the Q), 6 Abe Vigoda, 10 Whirly, 15 Michael Phelps, 10 Forward Arm Circle, 10 Reverse Arm Circle

The Thang

We moseyed the whole 10 feet from our warm up and circled up for an EMOM – We did 6 rounds of the six exercises below, one minute to complete the reps listed:

  1. 15 Burpees
  2. 25 Merkins
  3. 30 Gas Pumps
  4. 35 Squats
  5. 40 Plank Jacks
  6. 45 SSH

During the EMOM we passed around a 30lb kettle bell and a pair of 15LB dumbbells.  When it’s your turn with the kettle bell you do kettle bell swings for the entire minute and when it’s your turn with the dumbbells you do curls for the entire minute.

I told myself if I use this workout again I will not put Burpees and Merkins back to back, and I will increase the number of reps because everyone was making it look too easy.

HOG joined the group after his 6ish mile solo run and did the last few rounds of EMOM with the group.

Your Q called the Imperial Walker and proceeded to do the Hillbilly, I blame it on lack of sleep from our 6 week old foster baby.  No one really seamed to notice, or care, until Zima had to point it out and totally through off the Q’s cadence for the exercise.

Convergence on Jan 8 for 8 year anniversary at Hanes Park.

Prayers for Cruiser’s Uncle who is going to have open heart surgery.

Prayers for HOG’s friends baby who has a prenatal hole in it’s heart.

Thanks to all 10 Pax who joined me this cold morning!!!