Days to Christmas: 26

QIC: Tonka

Date: 11.30.2021

PAX: Ziggy Stardust, Boomerang, Crash, Drama Queen, Schneider, Bulldog

My apologies at the onset. This BB is going to be a long one. There is simply too much to retell and reflect on for the start of the Christmas season. I hope you’ll be better for it when you stick it out to the end.

Ziggy Stardust and YHC took off Tuesday morning unsuspectingly on our way to the first Christmas beatdown of the year. As often happens before 5:30AM in the DashPAX and WeFoCo region, turn signals at stop lights are hard to come by. After sitting at the red arrow for all of 6mins and two full light cycles, the two of us, being determined to join the men of the gloom and deliver the beatdown they so anxiously awaited, decided to take our chance and run the light after giving all other drivers the right of way. Unbeknownst to us, one of NC’s finest state troopers was also waiting patiently at this light. Witnessing our shifty movements, he pounced upon our carpool lickety-split. Of course, after explaining to this fine officer the nature of our early morning fitness errand and the burden of the awaiting PAX upon our shoulders, he, whilst still confused, obliged our request to make our visit brief and had us back on our way in time to make it for the THANG. NOTE: no driving records were harmed in the making of this backblast. Our kindly officer bestowed mercy in the form of a harmless warning.


The first day of December is upon us. For some of us, that brings much anxiety, stress and/or sadness. Whether it be for the expenses, crowds, shopping, traveling, family strife, work demands, lack thereof or a combination of a few. Admittedly, I am guilty of this more than most. I feed on negativity often and it begins to snowball and sap the joy out of life and the time I have with the ones I love. Thanksgiving was a prime example for YHC.


This workout was meant to prepare our bodies and minds to be conditioned for the stresses that await us, but in a much more real sense, to put those stresses into perspective and make light of them before they come. Hopefully, to cut through the fog and remind us that we are tremendously blessed and have so much to be thankful for. I wanted these exercises to make it less serious, arduous and/or painful to anticipate the season. Because Christmas truly is a gift.


I don’t believe that Christmas is supposed to be a season of deals, gifts, buying, pandemonium, traffic, dread, and long lines – though our culture pushes that idea with every Christmas marketing campaign. It’s a time to have peace and rest in the good news of life and of God with us. Whether that is your faith or not, I pray that you and your families have a sense of that peace this year. And my prayer for each of the PAX this month is patience, peace, rest, gratitude, and awareness of the love we have all around us.



YHC and Ziggy arrived on the scene to find the PAX had completed Warmarama OTO and were contentedly sitting in a circle (stretching or huddling for warmth I don’t have an answer). I heard whispers of an Omaha to Coffeeteria and more than a few groans at the prospect of leaving their comfortable seats upon the arrival of the Q. We brushed off our trousers (and shorts for YHC which the PAX made clear was a curious choice) and hit the ground slow-moseying to the blocks.


CHRISTMAS TRAFFIC The PAX traversed the carline of SW Elementary and back to start using the following modes of transportation.

First, we covered the cuisine of the season.

–          Turkey walks (looks a lot like duck walks). Down and back.

–          Ham roll. Pig/Bear Crawl while pushing your block across the parking lot in front of you. Down and back.

Next, we prepped for those awkward, painfully slow-moving conversations with distant family that don’t get anywhere.

–          One-legged Wheelbarrows. Like wheelbarrows, but the PAX at the rear only held one foot. Went down, but sometimes those conversations are too awkward to stick with it, so we Omaha’d to Bear Crawls on the way back.

Next, dragging that last gift to the tree.

–          Murder Bunnies. Down and back.

Lastly, we practiced slowing down, reflecting on what we’re thankful for and taking in the view.

–          Lung walks. Down and back.

–          Christmas Tree Carry (overhead carry) the blocks to the wall for the next phase.


MALL WORK PAX lined up against the wall in People’s Chair hold while the Q called the block exercise. In between sets, the PAX performed 26 American Hammers OYO. Then back to the wall for the next set. This prepares the legs and arms for the men that will inevitably occupy mall benches sitting and lugging bags and gifts from stores across the Triad.

Overhead Press. x26 OYO. – AH. X26 OYO

Curl Holds. 26sec IC. – AH. X26 OYO

Bus Drivers. X26 single count. – AH. X26 OYO

Straight Arm Raises. X26 OYO. – AH. X26 OYO

Howling Seal Claps. X26 each PAX down the line while others hold People’s Chair.

Return Blocks.



LBC. X26 IC.

JF. X26 IC.

1min 6in hold split between low dolly and low scissor at Q’s command while PAX held their arms above their bodies.

1.5min Plank split between low and high plank at Q’s command.




The lights were out at the AO, which made the first appearance of 5 men in a circle sitting crisscross applesauce under the cloak of darkness quite spooky. No chanting to report.

Boomerang was complaining to Ziggy at various points about the Q being “bossy”. No comment.

Crash had a beautiful cadence when counting his howling seal claps. My quads thank you.

Bulldog was the voice of reason behind the Omaha to Bear Crawl after the first attempted one-legged wheelbarrow. Or was my conscience speaking in his voice…?

Ziggy Stardust was a masterful communicator and cool under pressure in negotiating our freedom with the state trooper. His former life as a CIA operative still shines through.

Drama Queen paused at the name of the Ham Roll. I think he thought the Q stretched the metaphor a little there.

Schneider seemed to be the most interested in the Coffeeteria option when the Q was late. We’ll have to reschedule.

Everyone stayed together very well and quietly got after it and crushed the work out. There was not a single call needed to pick up the six.



No IS work out this Saturday on account of the Mistletoe Run. PAX to relocate to Alcatraz or Purgatory.



Drama Queen’s friend Alan. He’s a double amputee who has been in the hospital for 70+ days and going through a tough season.


Thanks for the hard work ye merry gentlemen. God bless you this Christmas season.
