
QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 11.20.21

PAX: Schneider, Adobe, Subfloor

Schneider completed my SuperMax and elected to stay for Alcatraz (he is a machine) and we were joined by 2 additional pax that got out of the warm bed for a cold saturday morning workout.  So 4 PAX spent an hour doing this……..

Warm o rama – SSH x 15 IC. IW x 15 IC.  Abe V x 6 IC.  Merkin x 10 IC.  mosey to picnic tables for 10 dips and 10 step ups each leg.  yhc wanted to do one more round to ensure we were loose before getting into it….. but the pax stated they were ready…so off we went.

partner up……..

5 cinderblocks were spaced out in a line up to the supine pull up bar

2 cinderblocks were set immediately outside the storage area.

Partner A – perform 5 burpee broad jumps over the cinderblocks and then 5 supine pull ups.  then run to partner B and switch places.

Partner B – murder bunny with cinderblock from the back of the church…..around the parking lot……..and back to where they are stored.

pick up the 6.

DORA with remaining time – 150 merkins, 200 squats, 250 LBC

Mary – Low flutter, low dolly, penguin crunch


announcements – we went over the calendar changes for Thanksgiving week

prayers – none mentioned

YHC took us out.


THESE PAX CRUSHED IT!  I did not think we would have extra time, but they finished in about 40 mins so we added DORA to fill the time.

it was terrible.  completely terrible. people from inside the church watched and shook their heads.

to ensure others have the ability to be part of this workout, yhc will likely pull it out again the future (the pax that were there have already declined to do it again).


VG the keys fell out of my pocket during the murder bunnies.  they are in the parking lot somewhere.