Turning Chickpeas into Hummus

QIC: Zima

Date: 10/28/21

PAX: Van Gogh, Huckleberry, Workbench, Cherry Pie, Zima


SSH x 25 IC

Whirlies x 25 IC

Burpees (for the PAX who did not have enough respect for the group to show up on time) x 5 OYO

Michael Phelps x 25 IC

* Note: unless your name  is Pie Hole, then you overcompensate by doing Burpees


The Beatdown


Run down The Hill to Nowhere (4 spots, 4 exercises)

  1. The (diminishing) summit: Burpees
  2. First curve: 180 Degree Fade Away Bobby Hurleys
  3. Second curve: Diamond Merkins
  4. Bottom: Curl Presses

Run straight back to the top of the hill and repeat.

* All exercises x 25





  • Toe Tag has Supermax and Alcatraz on Saturday.  If you haven’t seen him in a while or had to drive to Kentucky to see him for a whole 46 seconds, then come to ROCC at 6 or 7 am respectively.
  • Keep your eyes and ears open for an upcoming AO challenge and November convergence.



  • As he is prone to do, Cherry Pie ruined the Q’s careful prognostication.  As foretold the night before on Slack, it was predicted that only 3 other PAX would be man enough to post.  At 5:30 am, that was true.  At 5:31 am, CP rolls in muttering something, but nobody was really listening to his whining and complaining.
  • Everyone completed a full FOUR rounds and some even finished a FIFTH!!!!!
  • There might be a bit of confusion about the title of the backblast.  You’re going to have to ask Huck about the chickpeas though.
  • Van Gogh was in a world unto himself this morning.  That dude must have used some kind of cheat code because he was so far ahead of the rest of the PAX, it was almost like he was doing an entirely different workout.  If not for the much-loved up-and-down format, we would have never seen him.  Did he eat his Wheaties before posting?
  • Cherry Pie went into mini-beast mode to try and catch VG, putting in a quite impressive effort, but alas time ran out on him before he could catch the gentle giant.  The extra burpees he did during warmups might have zapped too much of his energy.  Or maybe it was all of the bitching about the number of reps.  That much talking requires an immense amount of oxygen.
  • Workbench, Huckleberry, and YHC were battling for the honor of being the six all morning, yo-yo’ing and trading spots during different exercises.  Although there is a good chance that YHC is writing this from the top of the Hill to Nowhere still trying to finish a set Burpees, Huckleberry might not have yet completed his first round of Curl Presses and Workbench is probably still pondering why the Q had to call Diamond Merkins.
  • How do you know that Cherry Pie is lying?  His lips are moving.  Full blown consensus on that this morning.
  • Given the choice between acting like a stubborn toddler or choosing his own fate, Huckleberry stood his ground pre-beatdown and his arms paid dearly for it.  The Q had helpfully preselected a few rocks to use, but gave the PAX the choice of finding their own instead before the beatdown started.  In a flashback to January of 2020, Huckleberry mumbled some crap about it not being 5:30 and this was his time.  He didn’t have to do what the Q said yet.  OK, fine.  Then just use the rocks that were already set up and don’t whine about it!
  • There is a perceptible difference between “modifying as necessary” (i.e. injury) and “modifying because I don’t like what the Q called”.



  • Lamb Chop and his wife in their pursuit of building a family.


Zima out.