Supermax 9.25.21

QIC: Burns

PAX: Root Canal, Ziffle, Van Gogh, Burns

YHC took us behind WFHS after a quick WoR to find the pull-up bars used by the Titan ROTC program. Everyone chose a rep count they felt was challenging enough, yet repeatable for 40 mins (everyone chose either 3 or 4 reps). Complete a set, run across the parking lot for 10 WWIIs, the repeato ad infinitum. We all got 25 sets of pullups & WWIIs in before it was time to mosey back to launch. Some broga for Mary to cool us down. Enjoyable morning from start to finish, it was a pleasure meeting Ziffle for the first time, RC and VG are always great company, the air was cool and fall-like.

Thanks for the keys, VG!