QIC: Burns

Date: 10.4.2021

PAX: Starfish (WD), Spicoli, Sea Man, Whiz (WB), Schneider, Burns

There’s a fresh wave of that annual chilling atmosphere on the horizon. YHC has been driving and walking around the neighborhood and has seen all manners of ghouls and haunts – spiderwebs, skeletons, zombies, and myriad other undead and/or creepy figures. Spooky season has indeed arrived.

Sea Man, Starfish, and I began WoR at 0530 sharp. SSH x20 IC. Then Whiz rolledP in while we were doing Imperal things x20 IC, and we all introduced ourselves after. We continued with Whirlys x10 IC, Abes x8 IC, Seal Claps x10 IC, OH Claps x 10 IC, and then Schneider came in from his EC run.  The 5 of us went over to the overflow lot for the Thang:


  • Squats  —-> merkins.  Start with 10 squats, run across the lot for 3 merkins, and back. Add/subtract 1 until you do 3 squats & 10 merkins. As we wrapped up this set, Spicoli joined (appx. 0545)
  • Plank Jacks —-> lbcs
  • Opposite Knee Touches —-> merkins
  • O, Big —-> lbcs
  • Knee Tuck Jumps —-> merkins
  • Your Choice! —-> lbcs

We made it through the fourth set before it was time to return to the launch lot for mary. Thus, we were all SPOOed today. Mary was American Hammers x30IC, then 10 WWIIs OYO


It was great to meet @Whiz. The dude was out front all day, so the only chance to chat was during some planks for the six. He’s a software engineer, an App St grad, a WFHS grad before that, and his family is from outside Philly.

@Sea Man is an abs machine. He was crushing the workout, and the the Big O/LBC combo came along and he reached a new level.

@Starfish is always a delight. Despite many opportunities to complain (esp. YHC’s lack of music), he instead thanked me for the workout. What a gentleman.

@Schneider finished up a 3.7mi EC run just in time for the beatdown. Solid double down effort from a WeFoCo stalwart.

@Spicoli showed up latew and decided that the called exercises weren’t for him so he did a lot of burpees instead.


BOLO for an announcement from our Nantan about the upcoming PAXgiving challenge! It will be an AO challenge during the month of November with added bonuses for EHs, Kotters-es, and FNGs, all culminating with a convergence the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Prizes tba.

Starfish is starting a new job today as CFO of a telehealth company expanding access to mental health services across the country. Godspeed!

Prayers for the continued pandemic, and thanks for this group.

Thanks for the keys, Sea-Man, I hope they didn’t get too scared by the workout.