It’s All in the Timing

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 29 October 2021

PAX: Cheesesteak, BAM, Post Hole, Lamb Chop(WB), Burns, Crash, Spicoli, Dr. Toot(WD,Q)

PAX: Cheesesteak, BAM, Post Hole, Lamb Chop(WB), Burns, Crash, Spicoli, Dr. Toot(WD,Q)

8 of the finest PAX assembled at the water feature at Bailey Park for the growing swell of greatness that is Urban Assault. Once disclaimers and purposes were spelled out, we got to the …

WARMORAMA: SSHs, Abe Vigodas, ISTs, and stretchy things.

THE THANG: We moseyed to the parking deck to escape the deluge, NOT, for a ladder of pull ups and burpees, which totaled 55 for each. We then casually moseyed to the Coal Pit for a 1,2,3, DORA of 100 merkins, 200 WWIIs, and 300 squats.  Time got the better of us and it was time to return home for SSHs and one Thistle.

Announcements: BAM has opportunities for the PAX  through The Open Table to help young folks that are transitioning from foster care to independent living. Look for stuff on Slack.

COT: Lamb Chop is thankful for the brotherhood of the PAX, we are more thankful for his leadership and how he has poured himself into us.

MNM: Crash keeps getting stronger. Big day to have Cheesesteak back out, shoulder continuing to heal. Spicoli is always right on schedule. Lamb Chop and Cheesesteak were working out medical billing. Post Hole did most of my work for the 1,2,3 Dora. BAM brings the sardonic wit to the fore and Burnsie was the form master today.