Howling Everything at TRQ

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 10/7/2021

PAX: Starfish, Tonka, Inkspot (WD), Boomerang, Bam, Mongoose, Frostbite (WB), Ziggy Stardust, Superfly, Palin, Pony Express, Goofy, Green Acres (Q)

First off, YHC would like to apologize for the light workout. Don’t think anyone in this beastly group broke a sweat this morning. Tried something new with rocks and isometrics but it was fun. Thanks to Palin’s incessant help as co-Q, we got through it. 🤷‍♂️.
The weather was perfect. The Pax assembled in the gloom and we got after it right on time. First MS and CP, then a little warmarama:  SSH, IW, Y flies, AV, whirly’s, squats. Mosey to next parking lot. Traversed the parking lot with some bear crawling, lunge walking, skipping, toy soldier walk, 60 merkins, and some squats.
To the rock pile, and then circle up in the light. Workout was a variation of Howling Monkey, in that Pax held their rocks or their body in static tension while we went around the circle doing the called exercise. Started with curls, so Pax held rock at mid curl position while in turn we went around the circle doing 7 reps each. Then skull crushers, holding rocks behind skulls while doing 7 reps in turns around the circle. Then (possibly not in exact order) we did merkins and 6 inches off the ground, low flutters and 6 inches, overhead press and rocks halfway up, howling monkeys, chest presses and holding rocks halfway up, squats and Al Gore, upright rows and rocks halfway up, sometimes 5 reps each, sometimes 7, then started repeating and got about halfway until time for Mary.
Mary was some LBC’s, mutton crunches, and Huckleberry merkins (crowd pleasers).
prayers for Giles’ wife, Jazzy’s wife, aging parents (or Asian parents FOR THE HARD OF HEARING), and the world at large were offered up by The Pony Express. No announcements that I remember.
Palin was a good helper bee (oh nevermind. Y’all didn’t watch Romper Room) and made several suggestions to help out YHC with pace, direction of circle, measuring 6 inches, next exercise, proper form, and so on and on and on. Much appreciated. Or maybe he was trying to distract himself about the big boulder he was hefting. I did enjoy the chatter. 😀👍🏻  Also hoisting some mighty big rocks were Bam, Frostbite, Boomerang, Mongoose and probably others I didn’t see in the dark. Admirable work by all!  And the amount of complaining by the Pax was infinitesimal in the scope of the universe. All happy rockers today. Until next time, my friends (and you too Palin! 😘)

Keys are under the NC rock!

1 Comment

  • BAM
    October 7, 2021 2:49 pm

    There was sweat broken. But with the cooler temps and the beatdown more like a good weight room session, it wasn’t set up to be a drip fest.
    But the soreness in my arms is proof of it’s effectiveness. If you bring tunes you can better drown out that Palin character and his helpful tips.

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