Don’t Pop a Quad

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 09/29/2021

PAX: Ink Spot, Goofy, McHale, Ziggy, Tonka, Drama Queen - 3 runners Schneider, Harden, 60 Minutes

This bb is being written almost 2 weeks after the actual event thanks to a busy schedule and a week of vacation so some recollections may not be exact.  And with an upcoming Q tomorrow morning YHC will have to compose another one sometime in the next two weeks.

6 pax gathered for a DQQ at Parliament and we thought for a moment Schneider might join us as a 7th as his companions were running late – see what I did there.  However, they arrived and then the three runners departed from the non running workout.  The rest began with a pretty standard warmorama finishing off with the ever popular and DQQ standard – Dry Docks Crabs – performance was slightly above average.

A mini theme was announced in honor of the recent Ken Burns documentary on Muhammad Ali – we moved to the wall area via Apollo Creed.  Upon arriving we performed jab/ cross drills mixed in with Mike Tysons on the curb.  After both right and left jab/cross we did some heavy bag work and mixed in some Rocky Balboas.  End of boxing mini theme.

We then moseyed around the corner to the rarely used wooden benches.  This was new territory for site Q, Ziggy.  There we knocked out some step ups, irkins, derkins and crunches with legs up on benches.

On to the football field – possibly another new spot for some pax – where some old favorites that likely hadn’t been done since precovid were rolled out.  Partner push and partner pull.  We had good intentions for partner carry but after much complaining the Q relented and called for lunge walks across field and back.  We finished up this portion of the workout by bringing out the ropes for a little Saratoga.  This is where our title for today’s workout came when YHC cautioned the pax not to “pop a quad” while doing this.  This brought back college memories for Goofy and a reference to a roommate’s extracurricular activities.

Not quite enough time to do the plan of sevens on the hill so we traversed it with a bear crawl and moved on from our visit to the back 40 of the AO.

Around to the blocks for a short stop working in curls, OH presses, skull crushers and bent over rows – I think that covered that.  We may have done 2 rounds.

We finished with some Mary and stretching in the parking lot and admired the stars. Done right on time.


Strong work by all and a wide age range today – good to see Ink Spot back out more often – good for YHC not to be the WD

Nice to give a tour to some old spots in the AO that haven’t been used as much lately

Also good to bring back the partner work – hope no one felt too close


If there were any announcements they have already happened with exception of next year’s Shmedfest

YHC took us out.