Coffee Klatch at SuperMaxx

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 23 October 2021

PAX: Ziffle, Crash, Van Gogh, Root Canal

PAX: Ziffle(WB), Crash, Van Gogh, Root Canal(WD,Q)

Warmorama: Lots of stretchy stretchy to help the Q with his touchy hamstring.

The Thang: 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats, 40 WW IIs. Run back and forth in the parking lot. Return for 10 WWIIs, 20 burpees, 30 merkins, 40 squats. Run back and forth in the parking lot. Return for 10 squats, 20 WW IIs, 30 burpees, 40 merkins. Run back and forth in the parking lot. Return for 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 WWIIs, 40 burpees.

We were able to start a second round, so 100+ reps of all fours exercises.

COT: Van Gogh’s mother’s friend, Deara, recently diagnosed with with breast cancer.

MNM: Once Ziffle decided to show up, The Thang became a very sociable affair. Much banter back and forth about families, music selection which was well received, and general verbal sparring. Crash has definitely made notable improvement in his strength, toughness, and overall athleticism. Very Cool. Always an honor to be included among these great men,