DQ Joins The Band Perry

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 09/13/2021

PAX: Sour Mash, Schneider, Drama Queen

The start of another week brought another Q at The Village.  YHC already knew the site Q wasn’t going to be there but you never know who might show up at VI.  2 regulars, The Brothers Perry were there upon my arrival and we kept checking the parking lot entrance for other WeFoCo regulars but it was not to be.  3 would work.

We skipped the mission statement and 5 core principles but we know those.  Straight to warmorama with most of the standards.  As promised we finished this portion with a fair amount of stretching.  We added a little dynamic –  A Creeds, Hi Knees, Butt kickers, Caraokes, and Skips.

One last chance for any late pax and then we went off into the gloom of the back field.  The plan was flexible but had the capacity for 8 pax.  With only 3 there were numerous Omahas.

First stop – Merkin medley relay – one pax bear crawls to wall and runs back to area near track while other 2 pax perform merkins varieties AMRAP until pax return.  We went thru regular merkins, diamond, double wide, Chuck Norris, Scorpion R and L. That covered two full rounds of each pax bear crawling.

Leg work was next to give our arms a break.  To the shelter for same format.  This time exercises were step ups, squats and lunges while rotating pax ran to parking lot and back.

Final stop of the medley relay was the short pull up bars.  Rotating pax performed 20 supine pullups while ab exercises were the other option.  We minimized those to LBCs and WWIIs.  We then ran the long way home around the track.

Finish was more stretching since we had just finished abs.


Always good humor and good work with Sour Mash and Schneider.  The brotherly love was in abundance. See Slack for the VI picture from today.  Apparently YHC is the cute one.

We talked about a lot of those who should have been there.  The list was long.

We thought we saw Zima inside the Y.  There was a resemblance but the sleeveless shirt was the biggest connection.

Not a lot of running and the stretching was thorough.  Just about right for an old man Q.

The “medley relays” were from an old workout saved on a word doc.  YHC did not remember the merkin portion being quite that difficult and today was with even more “rest” while bear crawling.


There were no announcements that anyone could think of.  Prayer concerns covered Perry’s father, my HS friend Allen who is a recent double amputee, and the local events with 2 young lives lost.

YHC took us out