The Last Day of July at Super Max

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 31 July 2021

PAX: Little Piggy

Super Max was in full effect this morning as Little Piggy and the Tootster got after it.

Perfect recitation of the F3 preamble and Warmorama completed, we made a simple and effective beatdown happen. Crunchy tunes wafting through the thick air, the plan was simple,

66 rocking chair lunges, run a lap, 11 monkey humpers, run a lap,

55 rocking chair lunges, run a lap, 22 monkey humpers, run a lap, etc..

Once completed,

66 bootstrap squats, run a lap, 11 dying cockroaches, run a lap,

55 bootstrap squats, run a lap, 22 dying cockroaches, run a lap, etc. and time ate us up.

MNM. A great time was had by all. The point was to fry the lower body and I believe mission accomplished. LP has a great week planned with his M and it was great to listen to a great young man discuss the profound love he has for his family. They are blessed as we are that he would share himself.

231 rocking chair lunges, 231 monkey humpers, 121 bootstrap squats, and 121 dying cockroaches, and untold moseying.