“Site Improvement and Maintenance,” they said…

QIC: Crash

Date: 8/9/2021

PAX: Drama Queen, Transcript, Van Gogh, Turnover, Palin, Wobegon, Green Acres (WD), Michael Bolton, Spamalot, Greenspan, Boomerang, Robin Hood (WB), Crash

YHC’s Site VQ as the Site Q for Iron Throne. Iron Throne is in YHC’s neighborhood and the first site attended on a regular basis from early this year.

Over the last several weeks, YHC had been contemplating installing some blocks at Iron Throne. My M really facilitated, getting in contact with the principal, explaining the organization and what we wanted to do, and got kind permission along with a suggestion where to store them.

A few weeks ago by chance, or perhaps relating to the above, while asking Lace to Q one week, he mentioned someone associated with the school had asked him if some F3 guys could install pavers under the picnic benches throughout the school. It’s evident the school, or PTA, because of the pandemic, or just because, recently purchased all of the above.

So, hatched a plan to install blocks, and distribute the pavers, during a morning workout. Fortunately YHCs promise of  “site improvement and maintenance” brought out a good crowd this morning. Or maybe it was the (assumed) rare opportunity to see a Site VQ by a Site Q, and wonder how that happened.


Welcome FNG, mission and core principles recited carefully and completely for benefit of all present. SSH x 15, Abe Vigoda x 6, Whirly w/ Clap x 11?, IST x 11?, Arm Swirly forward x 11, backward x 11

Workout / site improvement / forced labor

Mosey around front of school detouring through pick up drop off. Ask confused PAX to count tables as we go. 4 in front, 4 on side front, 4 side front, ~6 further back, 5 back by paver pile near trailers. YHC lost count. That happened a lot.

It was dark in spaces. Each PAX gathers 2-4 pavers and Moseys with them to front, working together to count and deposit pavers for later use and working from further away to closer. PAX work together to count, count down, coordinate lifting tables and placing pavers. After placing pavers, workout using tables to set pavers.

On first set of tables: Left leg step up x 20, Right leg step up x 20, squat jump or box jump x 20, OYO. Recommended squat jumps since it was difficult to see tables, or ground, or our legs at that point in that particular location.

2nd set of tables: Irkins, Heels to Heaven, Derkins, 20 each on your own.

Collect more pavers, install more pavers.

3rd set of tables: Mountain climbers, dips, shoulder tap 20 each OYO.

Break to Mosey to bus parking lot. Inform PAX of new site feature, blocks. A template was fabricated over the weekend from F3 logo online and they were spray painted after hearing that unmarked blocks had been taken for a second time from Distillery. For the record, there are 10 8x8x16’s and 10 4x8x16’s.

  1. OH Press, Curl, Upright Row, 10 count each x 1
  2. Deadlift, Skull Crushers, Squat Thrusters, 10 count each x 1
  3. Repeat 1 & 2, then repeat 1 for 5 sets.

Omaha for time to grab 24-32 more pavers and carry to group of tables by front parking lot. Install, no time for table exercises.


Ring of Fire, plank and 3 push ups around ring then 2 then all together 1, finishing in the 45th min.

Oh yeah. I had another thing planned with a lot of burpees. No time for that.

Other stuff

I know it seemed a bit disorganized since we were doing something unusual, and maybe site improvement wasn’t as tough as many of the PAX were used to. But, YHC must say even this simple activity was wonderful to witness and be a part of. PAX carried 2, 3, or 4 pavers, and we moved about 2/3 of a pretty big stack that was assuredly brought in with a forklift in what probably totaled 20-25 min total. Lots of counting, counting up, counting down, math with varying degrees of success, planning, improvising, and making it work. Thanks to Drama Queen for bringing out an FNG, and Palin I forgot to sign your work release card – just send it along and I’ll get it back to you. Thanks everyone for working with YHC and doing a good thing for the school today – the kids and teachers. It’s the least we can do for the privilege of a fine location to gather early each Monday morning. Thanks to everyone who came out.


Welcome FNG Robin Hood! 28 yo father with a 17 mo old girl, golfer who played in college. He is a Winston-Salem native, spent some time in Atlanta and returned. Even went to Elementary School at Sherwood Forest, we thought the name befitting.


SHMED, Aug 27, 24 hr fun expose, for a good cause, collections go to Crisis Control Ministries.

Green Acres has the Q at Iron throne next week.

Boomerang has the Q the a couple weeks after that and the PAX will move a trailer or something but no math.

Urban Assault Fri with Palin. It’s green in the calendar – what’s that mean?


PAX with family affected by COVID – friends, family, coworkers, children, etc.

Gratitude for the opportunity to serve, serve each other, work together, welcome others.




  • wobegon
    August 10, 2021 7:48 am

    This was a good one and excellent way to give a little back. One correction: Palin on UA Friday.

    • Crash
      August 10, 2021 9:33 am

      Oops! announcements were getting a little chaotic so i checked the calendar. corrected!

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