P’s and trees

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 8/19/21

PAX: Razzie, Van gogh, Zima, Drip, Root Canal, Palin, HOG

8 PAX gathered at The Fresh Market on a humid Thursday morning to see what P’s and Trees was all about.  Hard to believe, but the chatter was high with Palin and Zima both in full form.

0530 – mission statement and warm o rama – SSH x 20 IC, IW x 15 IC, Abe V x 8 IC, toy soldiers x 10 IC

Mosey to the bottom of the “P” to start the workout – marked by an X.   perform 5 burpees then run up robinhood hill to the entrance of the storage place.  bear crawl DB drills through parking spaces.  run to top of P marked by a square – perform 5 burpees, 15 merkins.  Run to exit of storage place – marked by triangle – perform 5 burpees, 15 merkins, 25 squats.   run back to bottom of the P and repeat till time.

nut punch – there are 2 large logs at the bottom of the P.  if you are the first one to finish the burpees, carry the larger log for your lap.  if you are second to finish, carry the other log.

0615 – there were 8 super sweaty men walking back to The Fresh Market complaining about everything.

COT – announcements – SCHMED – coming up soon!! register.  be there.  support.  one workout, every workout, or donate.  just be there.

Prayers – Boomerang, COVID.  YHC took us out.


HOG crushed it.  took off.  said hello every time he passed us.  he’s an animal.

VG also crushed it – he grabbed the large log several times and made it look easy.  and trust me, the large log was heavy.  miserable heavy.  and it doesnt have handles (which HOG pointed out).

Root acted like he was hurting and struggling.  but he continued to ask to carry something and pushed us all this morning.

Drip stopped smiling.  it was for 8 seconds.  but i knew that meant it was a good workout.

Palin is a social butterfly.  thankful he was there this morning.

Zima pretended to be winded.  thanks for making us feel good.

Razzie never complained and just got after it.

the hill up robinhood was killer.  the bearcrawl DB drill burned out the shoulder and legs.  then the reps of burpees, merkins, and squats really added up.


heck of a group this morning and I am thankful for each one of them.  you all make me better.  thank you.
