Post Olympic Beatdown

QIC: Sour Mash

Date: 08/27/21

PAX: 60 minutes, Sea-man, Schneider, Harden, drama Queen

The following text was copied from the Backblast channel on Slack posted by Sourmash:


We had a post-Olympic themed beatdown at #TheDistillery this AM. After a #GucciStyle Warm-o-Rama, PAX “competed” in the Individual Dora Medley.

Run to each corner of the block around the Clemmons Elementary/Broyhill Office Suites campus and perform 25 Merkins, 50 LBCs and 75 squats at each stop. Lassie back or plank for the 6 before starting each round of exercises.

Per the rules of a traditional #Dora, 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 squats were completed, but individually. #Enough

Medals were awarded to all PAX except YHC who, as expected, came in DFL!

Democratic Mary for 4 minutes until finished.

Prayers for @dramaqueen’s first cousin’s wife.

#Shmedfest starts tomorrow

@harden took us out!

@60 MINUTES @Sea-Man @f3schneider