No crying just suffering in baseball at Alcatraz

QIC: Crash

Date: 8/21/2021

PAX: Dr. Toot (WD), Ziggy Stardust, Bullwinkle, Hooker (WB), Mr. Jinxy, Ziffel, Van Gogh, Huckleberry, Crash

With the installation of 2 baseball diamonds in the yard, the PAX assembled to do diamond related exercises. It was YHC’s younger daughters 16th bday today and since it was 8/21/21 we worked 8, 16, and 21 into a lot of stuff. Of note it was 100% humidity at 6 and 7 am. I understand it dropped to about 98% by 8 am.


16 SSH, 16 IST, 8?, 6 Abe Vigoda, 16? Whirly w/clap, 16 AST forward, 16 AST backward, 16 seal clap, 16 overhead clap, 16 jack reachers, 16 moroccan night clubs


Mosey to larger ballfield front lot. 4 cones on 4 corners about 40 paces apart, baseball diamond.

7 of diamonds – but 7’s become 8’s, 14’s become 16’s

All pax do 8 burpees each base, 16 merkins each base, 21 low flutter DC each base, 28 squats each base.
First 3 pax to finish pick up the 6, then choose exercises moving down the ladder. Van Gogh and Dr Toot contributed, we did 21 ww2’s each base, then 16 burpees each base, but per base they were different called by VG: superman burpees home plate, burpees with a half turn on the jump (twist burpees) first base, donkey kick (jackass) burpees second base, and double merkin burpees 3rd base. Huckleberry chose 7 mike tysons for the final round.

Mosey to lot near cars.

We installed some smaller 4x8x16 cinder blocks at the AO – 10 of them. Carry to cinder block area. PAX choose block and we do one round of:

OH press, curl, upright row 8,16,21
Skull crusher, deadlift, squat 8,16,21
Bench press, incline press, squat thruster 8,16,21

Mosey to smaller ballfield back side lot. Bases are about 30 paces apart.

Modified vicious circle b/c little time
Do each of these from one base to the next.

Bear Crawl home to first
Lunge Walk first to second
Crab Walk second to third
Crawl Bear third to home
Backwards Lunge Walk home to first
Backwards Crab Walk first to second
Karaoke second around to home, pick up the six, maybe do another lap.
All the pax assemble at first, it was in the shade.


Ring of fire, everyone planks while doing pushups in order counting down, starting at 4, or 5 if so inclined. Most everyone did 4,3,2,1…



SHMED next weekend, no Supermaxx or Alcatraz. WS fairgrounds, fun run 7:30, 5k 8, or family friendly bootcamp at 8, fundraiser for crisis control ministry, donate or show up at 2 am Sun, 5000 rep challenge

Prayer Requests

Bullwinkle’s foot, time together, time with PAX from other regions like Knoxville. Prayers for new PAX joining us, Prayers for those facing cancer, other diseases whatever stage or status.


The initial baseball 7 of diamonds workout was supposed to be 20-25 min, but we let PAX finishing first choose the down ladder exercises. It improved the mumble chatter and the variety, though, we had 30-35 min of fun. There may be no crying in baseball but there was a lot of suffering today. Particularly popular with the PAX was Van Gogh who called all the burpee varieties. Everyone was thanking him profusely and all wanted more burpee varieties for the final round of 7. At one point there was some complaining about 16 vs 14, but all agreed we were happy to do it for the birthday celebration.

Every PAX carried smaller blocks back to the block stash, but then all put them away and grabbed the larger 8x8x16’s for the workout. YHC has come to expect that from the PAX.

It was great to have former FNG Ziffel join us for his 2nd ever F3 workout, his first having happened at 6 am. #tclaps

Great also to have Mr. Jinxy here with Hooker from F3 Knoxville. Those guys did the whole workout without gloves, I know some people do that, I’m impressed. Offered them gloves when I noticed but Huckleberry correctly observed it was way too late, toward the end of our 7 of diamonds workout.

Always great to workout with all of you gentlemen. thanks for coming out.

In the COT, I think every single PAX except for YHC was doing hand clap merkins for the Ring of Fire. Even Ziffel former FNG. Amazing after everything the PAX had done.

Tclaps to Dr Toot, Van Gogh, Ziffel for doubling down today.

YHC will take the 4 other workouts planned for today and move those to the next plan…


1 Comment

  • Van Gogh
    August 21, 2021 8:30 pm

    Happy Birthday to Molly! Great beatdowns today, glad to have Ziffel join us – I know he enjoyed it; and I appreciate you adding to the AO block options!!

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