Looked Good on Cardboard

QIC: Dr. Toot

Date: 31 July 2021

PAX: Sweet Tea, Subfloor, Android (WB), Work Bench, Dr. Toot (WD)

An unsuspecting PAX assembled at the AO, unaware of the @Zima beatdown that awaited them.

After a mostly stretchy stretchy warmorama, we moseyed and brought coupons to the parking lot. Once an eclectic tune selection began, the cardboard beatdown was revealed. An amazing rendering of Mt. Fuji, it is Olympic season, created the backdrop for a run up and down the mountain.

10 skull crushers, run a lap,

10 skull crushers, 20 merkins, 10 skull crushers, run a lap

10 skull crushers, 20 merkins, 30 curls, 20 merkins, 10 skull crushers, run a lap,

10 skull crushers, 20 merkins, 30 curls, 40 heels to Heaven, 30 curls, 20 merkins, 10 skull crushers, run a lap,

10 skull crushers, 20 merkins, 30 curls, 40 heels to Heaven, 50 overhead presses, 40 heels to Heaven, 30 curls, 20 merkins, 10 skull crushers, run a lap,

10 skull crushers, 20 merkins, 30 curls, 40 heels to Heaven, 50 overhead presses, 60 mountain climbers, 50 overhead presses,40 heels to Heaven, 30 curls, 20 merkins, 10 skull crushers, run a lap,

10 skull crushers, 20 merkins, 30 curls, 40 heels to Heaven, 50 overhead presses, 60 mountain climbers,  70 upright rows, 60 mountain climbers, 50 overhead presses,40 heels to Heaven, 30 curls, 20 merkins, 10 skull crushers, run a lap,

10 skull crushers, 20 merkins, 30 curls, 40 heels to Heaven, 50 overhead presses, 60 mountain climbers,  70 upright rows, 80 coupon swings, 70 upright rows, 60 mountain climbers, 50 overhead presses,40 heels to Heaven, 30 curls, 20 merkins, 10 skull crushers, and run a lap.

Running out of time, we returned the coupons and moseyed back for two minutes of Mary. What?!! Out of time.

Announcements: Shmedfest. Swiss Misses birthday. Android is getting fixed this week.

Discussed the value of being “the monster” to stand against tyranny.

Sweet Tea pushed the overall pace throughout, similar to his running pace. Android and Subfloor were the form masters and stuck together. Workbench is the relentless warrior that I want to be when I am tougher.

Zima, thanks for the suck, and Van Gogh, thanks for the keys. I left them under the coupons.