IS on the Last Day of July

QIC: Drip

Date: 7/31/21

PAX: Boomerang, Tar Heel, Mutton, Drip

Stretch and warm up  30 Merkins interspersed throughout warm up

Run up hill on sidewalk in front of the Y, Do 2 Mtn Climbers (DC) at each column.

Mosey to Pocket Park:

  • 10 Dips, Erkins, Derkins in cadence
  • 20 Burpees. At each 5 Burpees add a Merkin to the Burpee.  (30 Merkins)

DORA:  100 Heels to Heaven, 200 LBC, 200 WW2s  (Partner moseys around loop at pocket park)

Mosey to Pull up bars. Partner Up.  30 Pull Ups between partners.  Low Flutter while partner does pull ups.

Captain Thor:  1 WW2/2 American Hammers, 2 WW2/4 American Hammers, 3 WW2/6 American Hammers…10 WW2/20  (55 WW2s)

Mosey back to start for Mary: Asheville Abs

Great weather, Great Work, and Great Company.  Kotters to Tar Hill!

Prayer Requests:  Mutton’s brother and Boomerang’s sister.