A Reprisal. Mayhem 7.14.2021

QIC: Burns

Date: 7.14.2021

PAX: Root Canal, Drip, Crash, High Cotton, Zima, Little Piggy, Kiwi (DR, Myrtle Beach), Burns

Given the opportunity to Q at Mayhem, I would have been remiss to not use the Hill to Nowhere. And, I had just the workout to use on it, a reprisal of one from November 2020. Root Canal was the only repeat offender this time (prior edition)

WoR: SSH, Hillbilly, Whirlies all x15IC, Arm Swirlies F, OH claps, Arm Swirlies B, Michael Phelps all x10IC. Mosey to the base of the Hill to Nowhere.

Set up like a 3-man grinder (somehow this caused confusion). Each pax is responsible for completing the weinke for himself – it is not to be completed as a team. The weinke was posted at the top and the bottom of the hill, and a group ran in between to relieve the others in a traditional grinder fashion.

The Thang:

75 reps each of…

  • Jump Squats
  • Hand Release Merkins
  • American Hammer (DC)
  • Imperial Storm Squatters
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Heels to Heaven
  • Reverse Lunges (DC)
  • Merkins
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Burpees

YHC did not even include the final two on the weinke this time because nobody got that far during the last try.

We made it back to the parking lot with 15 seconds to spare, so all did 3 burpees. Fin.

This workout is hard. I may have to give it a name.

There was some initial confusion about how a 3-man grinder worked. It made Zima very upset.

Kiwi was very fun to get to know this morning. He got his name because he played professional rugby in New Zealand for two years. He’s got two daughters at Clemson and a son who is getting ready to go to App St. He did a spartan race for his 60th birthday a couple months ago. All in all he was a very kind and incredibly badass dude…F3GrandStrand has a HIM among them.

This was my first time working out with Little Piggy in a while…he had been battling some injuries not too long ago but seems to be fully healed! Crushed it this morning.

I didn’t get to chat with anyone else due to the format of the beatdown, but everyone was sweating and panting at the end so they all must have put in their work.

Announcements – Shmed coming up. Zima has WIB tomorrow at Calvary Baptist. YHC has Double Dutch at Leinbach tomorrow and Urban Assault on Friday. Come on out

Prayer Requests – Praises for Kiwi’s daughter who has fundraised 100% of her position with CRU at Clemson. Prayers for her to be a mighty Kingdom worker on that campus.

Turnover, I hope you get some better sleep soon. In your waking hours you can find the keys at the top of the hill.