SuperTraz 6/12/21

QIC: Greenspan

Date: 6/12/2021

PAX: SuperMax Pax: Crash, Bullwinkle, BamBam, Van Gogh, Huckleberry, Dr. Toot Canal, Fender, Greenspan

Alcatraz Pax: Crash, Tweety Bird, Sour Mash, Bullwinkle, Subfloor, BamBam, Van Gogh, Huckleberry, Dr. Toot Canal, The Jerk, Rust Bucket, Sgt. Schultz, Sea-Man, Greenspan

Warmarama (same warmarama for both workouts, as incessantly noted by BamBam, YHC’s 2.0):

SSHs, Abe Vigoda (unbalanced), Whirlies, Cherry Pies, Down/Upward Dog + Calf Stretches, Dive Bombers, Quad Stretch

SuperMax Thang:

Six cones spaced out somewhat evenly along the perimeter of the ROCC’s parking lot.  At each cone complete:

  • Dive Bombers x 10
  • Dans x 10
  • Flight Attendants x 10

Repeato until time is called.

Alcatraz Thang:

Mosey to the block pile; retrieve a block and return to circle to find a two-side Weinke.  Twenty seconds on, ten seconds off; most exercises include blocks:

Side A Side B
Blockees Cobra Crunch
Ski Abs Shoulder Tap Plank Jacks
Low Dolly Freddie Mercs
Alternating Lunges Alabama Prom Dates
Curls WW2s
Bent-over rows One-legged glut raise
Side-to-Side Merkins Groiners
Bonnie Blairs Blerkees (Burpee on block + Peter Parker + OH press)


After each round, run a half parking lot loop.  Continue until time is called.


  • Convergence on July 3rd at Hanes Park. No F3 activities at the ROCC that weekend.
  • Blood drive on July 3rd.
  • A couple of VQs this coming week: Workbench has his VQ at Mayhem on Wednesday, and Sea-Man has his VQ at The Distillery on Thursday.  Subfloor has his VQ at some point in the near future.
  • The Shmed is the last weekend of August. The 5,000 rep challenge will return, and there will be workouts at 6 pm, 2 am, 7:30 am (FunRun and official 5K race), and 3 pm.  Following the completion of The Shmed, Shmedfest returns!  All activities at the fairgrounds.


  • For Giles, his M, and their family after Giles’s M’s test results.
  • For peace in Bullwinkle’s house as his sister has joined them.
  • For Wayne Meredith’s stem cell transplant for leukemia.
  • For Undertow and his family as they grieve his father’s passing.
  • For Huck and his M’s friend Lindsey diagnosed with cancer. Lindsey and her husband have three young children.


Random Q Thoughts after 105 minutes of oxygen deprivation:

  • YHC underestimated the physical attrition that dive bombers and Lt. Dans, coupled with the humidity, would have on our SuperMax rep count. We almost completed the second lap, resulting in ~120 reps of each exercise.
  • The Alcatraz crew modified that Tabata time to 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off. YHC’s phone became sweat- logged (seriously), so Bullwinkle subbed in his unit.  We got through 4 rounds of side A and 3 rounds of side B.
  • Bullwinkle is accelerating physically and relationally. He is increasingly taking a leadership role, and his running pace has increased by 2 minutes per mile in just a short time.  Tclaps!
  • Some people have guns tucked away in every nook and cranny; SourMash has bourbon, including in his truck!
  • Fender did Fender things during SuperMax. He led us the whole way, even after the Q required the lap leader to pick up the six wherever they were at the end of each lap.
  • Good to see Tweety Bird, Rust Bucket (driving something that was anti-rust today), Subfloor, Sea-Man, and The Jerk. YHC is impressed at the committed contingent that the ROCC has with these guys.
  • Schultz flew by YHC on one of our intra-Tabata runs. Good to see him returning to form.
  • The Alcatraz workout was clearly not enough for The Pharaoh, Rust Bucket, and Crash (and others?) as they jogged with their blocks overhead when returning them to the block depot.
  • Huck passed up the beach for a double-down. YHC sent waves of sweat in his direction as compensation.
  • BamBam, YHC’s 2.0, was phenomenal. He has really grown up in the past year which is both encouraging and bittersweet.  He held his own throughout the double-down and, per VG’s instructions, a donut was purchased for him on the trip home.
  • It was a miserable morning, humidity-wise, but made enjoyable by the men around me. Thank you for your push and doing stupid stuff together.  VG, thanks for getting me out on a Saturday.  The keys are in one of the sewer drains, having floated away with the profusion of sweat.