Supermaxx 6.5

QIC: Burns

PAX: Van Gogh, Huckleberry, Workbench, Bullwinkle, Root Canal, Mako (DR, F3 Cherokee), BoSox (DR, F3 Cherokee), Burns

Over 1 week late getting this one posted, sorry folks.

Pre-convergence we 8 gathered for SuperMaxx.  YHC led us in a brief warmorama, then we headed to the bottom of the main parking lot. Start with 5 merkins at the bottom, run to the top and do 50 WWIIs.  Increase/decrease by 5 until the ladder is complete.  At the traffic islands in the middle, stop (in both directions) and do 2 hand release star-jump burpees.  All 8 got through the full ladder with time to spare so we did sets of 25 at each spot until time was up. All in all pax got 350 merkins and 350 wwiis and 52 hand release star-jump burpees.

We had a CoT, praying for both VG and Bullwinkle’s differing challenges as fathers. It was great to be joined by the DR pax, they were at or near the front of the group the whole time. Root Canal had to run behind the church and take a Whirly about 10 minutes in…luckily he had the necessary supplies in his car.  Van Gogh didn’t like the stationary speaker that I supplied so he carried it with him the whole time. That’s about all I can remember – it was a tough workout and we then headed to the State of the Pax and enjoyed that beatdown and the 2nd F that followed.

Thanks for the keys, VG!