
QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 6.19.21

PAX: Zima, Greenspan, Lambchop, Gingerbread man, Transcript (FNG)- Buyout for COT

6 pax showed up for a Huckleberry IS this morning.  Lambchop mentioned a big toe injury and asked if my workout would be heavy on the big toe.  YHC lied and said no it would not  I actually can’t think for a worse workout for a toe injury.  the FNG walked up, introduced himself and said he had been talking with VanGogh.  the workout yhc had planned was not very FNG friendly, but we worked together and he got after it.  0530 – lets mosey.

mosey to the base of the intimidator (this was met with many comments but i assure them that this was not the hill for the day.  5 seconds of relief before greenspan said “wait……is there another one?” – yep).  SSH, IW, Abe V.  Mosey to the base of manly – zero pax were pleased with this.  the work to be done –

DORA – run to top of manly and back.  exercises at the base

300 merkins

300 squats

300 SSH

100 Burpees

mosey back stopping along the way for WWIIs, Freddie Merks, Divebombers…..wait, what.  yep – greenspan wanted to call an exercise so he went divebombers IC.  Mary Cath and then at the start………..there was buyout!  He had been running around for an hour looking for us.  so we was able to join for Hucks 3 merkins to finish.

Announcements – schmed – signup going live later this week.  July 3 converg (supermaxx as well) at hanes park.  F3 blood drive July 3.

Prayers – Lambchop and M trying to get pregnant

YHC took us out thanking HIM


yhc EHd greenspan – he was so happy to be there

zima doubled down after posting to supermaxx – Bullwinkle and YHC ruined his Sunday plans for a workout

zima and greenspan both had unkind words for the Q

the hill got really old, really fast

gingerbread man is a machine.  this was my first time working out with him.  great addition to the dash pax

lambchop with his hurt toe never complained.

Former FNG Transcript – told to post by his brother who is part of F3 in Charlotte.  he attended multiple colleges for undergrad – hence, The Transcript.  great push by him all day. hope to see him back out soon.

all pax pushed hard this morning and the workout was brutal.

Drip, i gave your keys to Buyout.  good luck.