Grinding to Perfection


Date: 06/16/2021

PAX: Closer, Sweet Tea, Zuckerberg, Bluto, BAM, Tigger, Special, Data, Manscape, Lemming, Starfish
12 PAX converged on a less hot and muggy morning to throw some heaving things around.  Here is how it went down.
SSH x 20 IC
IST x 15 IC
Copperhead Squats x 15 IC
Whirly w/ the Clap x 10 IC
Abe Vigodas x 5
The Thang – 3 PAX grinders.  2 stations with mosey in between
Bell Station
1. KB Swings
2. Reverse Lunges (w or w/o KB)
3.Overhead Press
4. Curls
5. Goblet Squats
6. Row
7. Plank Drag
8. Squat Thruster
Body Weight Station
1. Burpees
2. Carolina Dry Docks
3. LBCs
4. Plank Jacks
5. Merkins
6. Heels to heaven
7. Freddie Mercs
8. Mountain Climbers
45 seconds of Burpees AMRAP
1. Zuck showed up his usual 3 minutes late to give us 12 which made the math work out perfectly.
2. 12 people = 3 man grinders = perfection.
3. YHC was so excited that I forgot the burpees during the warm-o-rama so I had to throw some in at the end.
4. We counted off by threes and I gave a quick rundown and sent everyone off to begin.  And that was the end of perfection….
5. Eventually got it all worked out
6. YHC did a similar set up last time with a longer mosey.  This mosey was on the long side (based on the MC) but I think that meant it was actually perfect.  Feel the burn!
Prayer requests
1. Starfish’s father recently passed.  Please remember him and his mother
2. Giles’ M recent diagnosis of Breast CA.

1 Comment

  • BAM
    June 16, 2021 8:39 pm

    the “husky kids” knew the phrase a “little mosey” was a relative term
    Special might have been confused, but is a beast
    the rest is fuzzy details.

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