D Day and Roland Garros

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 6/7/2021

PAX: Boomerang, Snake Eyes, Sea Man, Schneider, Bulldog, BAM, Roland Garros (FNG), Drama Queen

After some slight Qfusion on Sunday, all was settled and YHC was tapped for the start while HOG stayed home to think up some beatdown featuring burpees.  After committing to Snake Eyes a couple of weeks ago there was one area of The Village AO that I wanted to get back to after a short trial run there prepandemic.  Then hearing a lot of D Day remembrances on Sunday, the seed was planted for a theme as well.

BAM had a HC from an FNG, it had been a while since I’d Qed the Village and the June humidity was upon us, so an special beatdown was in order.

After a little wandering (or was that wondering) BAM’s FNG found a few gathered in the far reaches of the parking lot.  A few more pax pulled up and at the appointed time, pax were disclosed and the 5 core principles were cited.


SSHs – after which Boomerang recited the mission statement

Abe Vigodas, Imperial STs, Arm Swirlies, Moroccan Night Clubs, Michael Phelps, maybe something else and the always crowd pleasing Dry Dock Crabs.


We then moseyed down to the other parking lot – BAM starting picking up his MC by complaining that we could have parked there.  Yeah but then we would have still had to run somewhere.

We ventured down the hill noting the rock pile but not stopping there.  At the bottom of the hill that YHC had never used (however Schneider said it had been used recently) YHC stated the theme of the day.  Yesterday 6/6  had been the 77th anniversary of D Day.  Therefore we would run up the hill 6 times, perform 6 different exercises at the top with 44 reps each time.  (some groans to the number of reps – pax had to be reminded who we were honoring)

Exercises were – Merkins, WWII sit ups, Squats, Seal Claps, American Hammers, Alternating Lunges (for Boomerang we only did 22 each side).

On to the rock pile where we had a short lesson about some of the history of D Day.

156,000 Allied troops went ashore. Between 4 -5 thousand were killed on that day alone, 2000 on Omaha Beach. By 6/11/44 326,000 men on mainland Europe, 50,000 vehicles and 100,000 tons of equipment.  By 6/30/44 850,000 men and 150,000 vehicles.  In less than a year Germany surrendered.

We then honored the beaches of D Day with rocks.  After already giving the pax Omaha, Bulldog was able to name all the rest with only a slight hint for Utah.  The man should teach.

Beaches and exercises were as follows:

Omaha – Overhead press

Juno- Jump over rocks

Sword – Slider merkins

Gold – Gas pump holding rock

Utah – Upright row

Then it was time for a little adventure.  Pax moseyed to the back corner of the track to the little known and not terribly well maintained obstacle course trail.  Board walls were climbed, pull ups and irkins performed, tunnels crawled thru, and the we undered and overed for the crowd pleasing finale.

We moseyed back to start for a shortened Mary and we were done.


Still not sure Snake Eyes and I figured out what happened re the Q and HOG was not there to add any more confusion.  We decided it was solved for today and we’d figure out the future when it gets here.  #scarlettohara

Pax seemed to enjoy the theme and the short history lesson

I’ve seen BAM add more MC –  perhaps he was still worrying that we were doing 6×44 of each exercise at the top of the hill or perhaps he was trying to be nice around his daughter’s tennis coach.

Which brings us to that.  After finding our meeting spot – always a little confusing at the Y if you’ve never been there before since there are quite a few getting up that early and paying to go inside to workout – FNG Roland Garros (fka Taylor McDaniel) joined in and quickly picked up on the exercise lingo.  Several tennis names came up and his career as a science teacher also brought forth some nominations.  Someone threw out Roland Garros, the site of this week’s French Open – we had been down in the clay and it just hit me typing this that the theme of the day also occurred in France.  Well done pax.

The always hard working  Sea Man knocked out reps with the best of them and joined the Q in leading the moseys


Several prayer requests were mentioned including Starfish on death of his father, Schneider and Mash’s mother, Boomerang’s sister, a friend of Snake Eyes dealing with substance abuse, Singing Cowboy on his temporary move to WV after passing of his in laws.  I feel like I may have missed something – if so add in comments.

YHC took us out.

Always an honor




1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    June 8, 2021 11:53 am

    Wow. I am very sorry I missed this workout. Both for the theme, the commemoration, and the fellowship. Beatdown looked solid and FOMO sets in. Good on you to explore the obstacle course. I’ve been wondering what repair it’s in. Thank you for your leadership, DQ!

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