community service

QIC: huckleberry

Date: 4.15.21

PAX: Rust Bucket, Goofy, McHale, Tonka, Ziggy, Starfish, Workbench, Crash, Boomerang

10 pax were intrigued by the pre-blast mentioning community service at Parliament and posted to find out what was going to happen.  It was not what they expected…..

Warm o rama – SSH, IW, Abe V, michael phelps, merkins

community service – partner up and mosey to the end of the parking lot.  instructions were provided – the parking lot has some trash left over from the school year and it would be nice to clean it up.  the best way to get small trash off the floor……..a vacuum.  so the what better way then to do the Hoover across the parking lot.

The Hoover – think wheelbarrow but start at the edge of a parking space and wheelbarrow to the middle front of the parking space.  then wheelbarrow in reverse back to the edge of the next parking space (like a DB drill in wheelbarrow – or like you are vacuuming the parking spaces).  Do this for the entire parking lot, rotating with your partner as needed.

Mosey to blocks, get a block, carry block overhead to the wall.

static work – no reps were called or required….what???

tabata with 1 minute on, 10 secs rest.  instructions were to hold the position for 1 minute, rest 10 seconds, then get right back into that position for the next minute.  each position was held for 3 cycles or 3 minutes.  if you have to break the position, do 3 burpees then immediately return to the position.

positions with blocks:

wall sit

low plank on block

V sit

hold dip with feet on curb

90 degree curl hold

Carry block back for mary

hucks 3 merkins


announcements – July 3 blood drive and convergence.  Greenest needs Qs

Prayers – starfish and family, Giles and family


Ziggy pulled Tanka out of bed to get him back out – great to see him and apparently he did not move away – you had to be there

Boomerang elected to do burpees as they were easier than some of the holds

NO ONE was happy about the community service – The Hoover is not easy.  we did not finish the parking lot……….guess we need to do it again

this may have been the first F3 WS workout where no reps were called after warm o rama

GREAT group of HIMs out there.  strong work by all.  pleasure to lead.

Ziggy the keys are stuck in the vacuum somewhere.  good luck.
