A Small Boulder

Date: 6/23/2021

PAX: Posthole, Turnover, Drama Queen, Root Canal, Splash, High Cotton, Greenspan


SSHs, down/up dog combo, calf stretches; then we moseyed to the old launch spot and partnered up.  One partner does pull-ups x 5 while the other partner does Lt. Dans.  Flip flop, then repeato five more times.  Mosey back to the new launch spot.  End of warm up.

Note:  Before we departed for the old launch spot, the Q instructed Posthole to pick a “largish” rock and then deposit it beside the hill to nowhere path.

The Thang:

Pax were told that we would be participating in an every minute on the minute (EMOM) beatdown this morning and spelling out the word “MAYHEM”.  When the bell rings, perform the prescribed number of reps, then use any remaining time to run up to the top.  Cup check:  The first person up the hill carries the “largish” rock chosen by Posthole on the subsequent round.


American Hammers

Yak Kicks (Burpees + Donkey Kick)

Hand-Release Merkins


Mike Tysons





  • F3 Blood Drive is July 3rd! DM D-Day for details.
  • Rust Bucket has Urban Assault Q on Friday.
  • Root Canal has the Q for OG/Tractors. DM with route suggestions.
  • Huck has TRQ tomorrow. YHC has WIB.  Both will launch from Speas.  If you choose one and end up not enjoying it, you can easily switch mid-workout.
  • The Shmed is the last weekend of August, 8/27 & 8/28. Following the completion of The Shmed, Shmedfest returns!  The third workout (7:30 am on the 28th) will be a fun run & 5K officiated by Twin City Track Club; registrations will begin next week.


  • YHC lifted up the spoken prayers and for all those unspoken.
    • Harden and Sour Mash’s family.
    • Bam’s family.
    • Starfish’s family.
    • Lindsey Miller is one of Posthole’s M’s best friends and has rapidly progressing ALS. Lindsey is on an experimental trial.
    • Praise for Turnover’s new 2.0. Mother and baby are healthy.


  • All were suspicious of the instruction to Posthole to pick [just] one largish rock. Rightfully so.  It is better described as a small boulder.
  • Root Canal charged up the hill on the first round, closely followed by Turnover. After a brief disagreement between the two, Root Canal proudly or sheepishly accepted victory.  His trophy was the small boulder.
  • Splash claimed the trophy at least twice. He was quite spry.
  • Posthole admitted to “sandbagging” the workout. All YHC saw was Posthole taking the trophy off of other pax’s hands multiple times.
  • The Yak Kicks were a Huckleberry special (BIG surprise there), conceived via text message. The pax, particularly the overly dramatic Drama Queen, begged for the required reps of the Yaks to be reduced.  After one minute and only having advanced 15 feet, the Q acquiesced.

TO, good to see you out.  You might need to make a new copy of the keys, though, as they were crushed under the trophy when returning it to the ditch.