
QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 5.15.21

PAX: Subfloor, Crash, Rust Bucket, Zima, Workbench, Bullwinkle, Spicoli

YHC signed up to Q both SuperMax and Alcatraz – a double down day to be remembered.  Then it was decided that Q school would meet during Alcatraz.  that meant there was really only one 45 min Saturday workout for Huckleberry to Q.  and I was limited to 4 total exercises plus a mode of transportation. So the goal was made – make it a miserable 45 minutes so that the pax got their moneys worth.

7 total pax showed up and at 600 we started.

Warm o rama – SSH x 15 IC, Abe V x 10 IC, Whirly x 10 IC, Imperial Walker x 10 IC, Michael Phelps x 1 0IC.

to make the workout equal for everyone there – a on minute timer was set and the pax were instructed to focus on perfect form and perform as many perfect merkins in one minute as the could.  when the timer went off, the pax were instructed that this was “their number” for the rest of the day.

Thang:  you must always face the church.  and if you ever need to stop and rest, you perform WWII’s until ready to resume.

at the top of the parking lot perform 10 BBB’s (Bonnie Blair Burpees……yep).

at the bottom of the parking lot perform your number of merkins and squats.

mode of transportation – crawl bear up parking lot.  bear crawl down parking lot – making sure to always face the church.  rest with WWII’s, but then resume the crawl.  if your shoulder is injured, modify to forward and reverse lunges.


0645 – time.

Prayers – Spicoli and life transitions (and all those going through similar situations), Subfloor’s mother in law

announcements – Q school in 10 minutes (thanks Zima).  Memorial day workouts – Blackbeard challenge, Murph


pax got after it this morning – completing 4-8 laps

Rust Bucket has the energy of a 4 year on old – he led the way and refused to slow down.

Subfloor pushed through the pain and had perfect form on the BBB’s

Crash refused to give up and made the crawl bear look easy

Zima was in full form today.  in the front of the pax and encouraging everyone throughout the morning

Spicoli – despite missing all the warm up and barely making the one minute of merkins, stayed with Zima and helped to push us all

Workbench made his number look easy – it wasnt a low number, but he made it look easy

Bullwinkle did not seem happy about the bear crawling but then proceeded to crush them

YHC’s shoulders are smoked.  My M looked at the workout and asked – when is your heartrate going to get up?  there’s no cardio in this.  the answer – halfway up the hill crawl bear i was maxing it out.

It was an exhausting 45 mins but I could have chosen a better group to do it with.  thank you all for the push.

until next time – Huckleberry