Q-school Comes to Alcatraz

QIC: Huckleberry, Van Gogh

Date: 5/15/21

PAX: @Android, @Subfloor, @The Jerk, @McHale, @Workbench, @Bullwinkle, @Swede, @Sea-Man, @Tomahawk (WB, former FNG Chris Cornett jr), @Crash, @TweetieBird, @Zima, @Rustbucket,  @Suede, @Hop, @Sour Mash, @ziggy stardust, @Nitro (WD), @Spicoli, @huckleberry (co-QIC), @van.gogh (co-QIC)

Since opening on January 30th, Alcatraz has hosted 11 FNGs, along with an additional number of newer PAX who had yet to live through their VQ. With many of these newer PAX becoming regulars, it became clear to YHC that Q-school was needed so that they would feel enabled and prepared to lead their first workout. F3, after all, is a self-led group. It’s also beneficial for some of our established PAX to get a refresher and/or re-familiarize themselves with things like the Mission Statement, 5 Core Principles, or to simply get to know our newer guys better. The timing of Huck’s Q worked out very well, considering he is our region’s 1stF Q and a Subject Matter Expert on all things Qing!


The Thang

Huck kicked things off with some F3 history:

  • F3 broke off from Campos in Charlotte (Freedom Park group) who wanted to stay a small group and not expand.  
  • OBT/Dredd with permission broke off to share with others because they discovered that men in their “3rd phase” of life needed this the most.  
  • They used the Starfish/Spider book to help establish an internal structure, and mobilize men to strengthen themselves in the community, fitness, and faith. 
  • F3 started on Jan 1st of 2011 AG middle School with 35 men.
  • DashStrong started on January 4, 2014 as a plant with support from F3 Metro and F3 NoCo.  
  • Crotch Rocket and Mini Me led the first workout in 18 degree weather.  Winston-Salem grew steadily throughout the first half of 2014, planting new workouts on different days of the week and EHing FNGs to join the group.  

He then gave the Mission Statement: 

“To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.”


YHC chimed in with a question to the PAX asking how many came to F3 because it was a workout? And followed it up by asking how many have gotten more than just a workout? Followed then by some personal testimony about YHC joining seeking a place for 2nd and 3rd F as a priority, and about how F3 presents an opportunity to socially interact with men in a way that is often overlooked in today’s society. “It’s about the guy next to you.”


Huck then discussed some good Q-etiquette, and best practices for planning your beatdown. Key advice was to ALWAYS plan extra. He then took the now cold PAX through over first Cadence, the SSH of course. We then headed to the rock pile and grabbed a rock. Moving back into a circle, every PAX in attendance took turns calling out an exercise of their choosing, words of encouragement and positive feedback were provided as needed. Exercises varied through multiple forms of Merkins, Abs, Squats, Cardio, a few OYO, and also Arm Swirly Things (a favorite story of mine to share from Sour Mash’s VQ).

With an opportunity for questions, the PAX carefully returned their rocks, and YHC took over, leading us on a mosey to the far end of the church. The opportunity to Pick Up The 6 was then demonstrated, and we discussed how it is the Q’s job to know where the 6 is at all times. 


We next discussed good non-cadence exercises, such as 11s, Three Man Grinders, and then partnered up for a half DORA of 50-100-150 merkins/squats/LBCs. This presented another good opportunity to demonstrate how to encourage one another during the run, modifying as necessary, MC during reps, and once again how to pick up the 6 with some groups finishing early.


We moseyed back for a summary of how to end a beatdown, with Mary and how it offers a nice time cushion. We discussed pop-corn Mary, how it’s ok to ask a veteran PAX to cover for you if winded or short on ideas. Mary was ended early to discuss what happens after the beatdown. How the prayer is not necessarily Christian, we are open to ALL men, including ALL faiths. We discussed Backblasts, and WHY they are not optional; how they create a sense of belonging for newer guys when they read their name mentioned, how the listed beatdown and MC create a Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and make guys WANT to be at the next one. We also discussed how we gather metrics for attendance from BBs and how they help us know who to reach out and touch base with – it’s about the guy next to you after all!



  • Chris Cornett JR is Sea-Man’s 2.0. He is a sophomore playing baseball at West Forsyth and is a big Braves fan. Braves connection were discussed and we agreed that Tomahawk was pretty awesome. There was also some good follow-up discussion on clarifying if it was potentially offensive, and in the end we agreed that with the Navy connection, and as the name of a tool, it was cool to keep. Good to have these types of discussions!
  • Thanksgiving from McHale for solving problems at work.
  • Prayers for Nitro’s Mother In Law who has been sick for a while and likely heading toward a fatal outcome.
  • YHC took us out and lifted up prayers and giving thanks for the great morning.



  • Lots of great MC and comments throughout!
  • YHC was especially grateful for Nitro to be there, he had been gone a while taking care of his MIL, and he provided some great feedback and comments throughout Q-school. #WarDaddyWisdown
  • Lots of new guys signed up for their VQs including:
    • Crash: Alcatraz on 5/29
    • Sea-Man: Distillery 6/17
    • The Jerk: Alcatraz on 6/19
    • Subfloor: Alcatraz on 6/26
    • Workbench: Mayhem on 6/30
    • Tweety Bird: Mayhem on 7/29
  • Great to see Sea-Man bring his 2.0 out, and the fact that Tomahawk nailed the Cadence was quite impressive to say the least. 
  • Sour Mash tried to get us coffee but we’ve been striking out lately getting a place that’s ready to serve before 8am… Hey TheJerk, time to open up the coffee bar??
  • Hop came out, and we were all very appreciative of him sharing his story and asking for his name change to Hop. #HIM
  • Spicoli came out to compare notes to his previous Q-schools, I’m curious to hear those thoughts!
  • RB had ample time to prove himself a Cyborg with the rock.
  • Bullwinkle called Rock Mountain Climbers which Zima loved. YHC thought it was a simple change that made it harder on the shoulders!
  • Shout out to Burlap who was 1st F Q when YHC started and co-Qed Q-school with Starfish for YHC’s first Q-school.


Thanks to the great group of HIMs who attended! Hopefully it was an informative morning that helped enable our newer guys to step up, and also reminded some of our more veteran PAX of how and why we do things the way we do at F3. Looking forward to attending those future VQs!


Huck and Van Gogh