It’s Been Awhile Since I’ve Touched A Sweaty Guy … Iron Throne 5.17.21

QIC: Burns

Date: 5.17.21

PAX: Zima, Huckleberry, Workbench, Crash, Rust Bucket, Van Gogh, Drip, Lace, Spamalot, Wobegon, Green Acres, Michael Bolton, Tigger, Turnover, Burns (QIC)

Tigger put out the call for a substiQ early yesterday morning and it just so happened that YHC was the first to answer, much to Tigger’s delight. I wanted to take the pax away from the default playground/track that has become popular at the AO and explore some of the other great options for beatdowns, and so the following plan was hatched:

After a flawless recitation of the 5 core principles and the mission statement, we began the WoR: SSH x15, Imperial Walker x15, Merkins x5, Peter Parker x5, Merkins x5, Mountain Climber x5, Toy Soldier x10, Michael Phelps x10 (all IC). We then moseyed to the Parkway Presbyterian parking lot across Yorkshire, stopping at every light pole for 10 merkins. Including WoR that got us up to 100 merkins prior to 0540…not bad.

The Thang, pt 1: 4 corner grinder. With 15 pax, this couldn’t have gone more smoothly. Each corner had one exercise, and in groups of 3 the pax would rotate between the corners with the off group running between stations to relieve the groups working.

  • Corner 1: Heels 2 Heaven
  • Corner 2: Hand-release Mike Tysons
  • Corner 3: Freddie Mercs
  • Corner 4: Star-jump Burpees

After two full rotations around, we gathered everyone up and moseyed to the brick wall on the field. We stopped at each light pole we passed for 15 squats (only 3 this time).

The Thang, pt 2: Partner Leg Destruction.  Pax A holds people’s chair on the random wall at the side fo the field and does Jack Reachers while Pax B runs to the edge of the penalty area marked on the soccer field, does 5 double count Bonnie Blairs/Mary Catherines/Iron Mikes/Jumping Lunges, and returns. Flapjack. Increase by 1 each round until both Pax do 10 dc BBs/MCs/IMs/JLs.

We had a little bit more time left than anticipated so YHC’s uncreative “nut punch” was to bear crawl up the hill to the playground and do 25 pull ups or inverted rows before a mosey back to the parking lot for popcorn Mary. Big O, American Hammer, LBCs, and a Thistle were called to end the day.


Lots of VQs coming up on the calendar – seek them out and post in support!

State of the PAX on 6/5

Blood Drive on 7/3

Prayers were requested for patience.


Lots of low-hanging fruit for sexual innuendi, including Zima telling folks to make sure their knees were dirty as an “encouragement” for good form on the Bonnie Blairs. Tigger also had some interesting cadence while calling LBCs, raising some eyebrows (Huck)

YHC enjoyed a pre-run with VG, and we had a couple of other RIROs including Rust Bucket and Crash. The Iron Throne (TIT for short) is becoming a haven for those seeking EC to start their week.

Thankful that Spam put out the call to post last night – I have no doubt that his HC encouraged others to post this AM.

Lace had to leave early for work but not before crushing pt 1 of the beatdown, and I’m not sure but it didn’t look to me like he broke a sweat.

Speaking of sweat, YHC called for a Ball of Man (link for those who started coming during COVID) and enthusiastically declared that it had been awhile since I’d touched any sweaty guys.  That got some…uncomfortable laughs.

The BoM was a nice refreshing reminder of why we do F3 – fitness, yes, but the close connection to other men seeking to better themselves in their daily lives. That connection manifest at the end of CoT is a strong and, depending on the day, sweaty expression of our commitment to one another. I value that more than you gentlemen know.

YHC took us out giving thanks, asking for patience, praying for the pax among us about to have babies, and for protection and peace for the Palestinian and Israeli citizens caught in a destructive conflict.

Thanks for the keys, Tigger. YHC left them at the base of the wall