Ascending to Descend at Flatline

QIC: Drip

Date: 5/4

PAX: Bevo, Lamb Chop, Hazer, Van Gogh, Greenspan, Burns, Dr. Toot, Cheesesteak, Drip

A beautiful morning greeted 9 hearty Pax rearing to go at Flatline.  Imperial Storm Troopers, because how else you start off a workout on May 4?  Mosey to wall in parking lot.  OYO for a while:  SSH, Iron Mikes, Jump Squats, Groiners, Mike Tysons…and Murder Bunny all the way across the parking lot.  (And yes, LC, YHC did recognize we did not have cinderblocks.)

Mosey to the Parking Deck while ignoring multiple complaints that it was too nice to work out in a stuffy oven.  1 pull up and 1 merkin….5 pull ups and 5 merkins.  Run to the next level and repeato until at the top of the deck.  75 pull ups and 75 merkins (math, compliments of VG)

At the top:  50 WWIIs, some King Tuts in cadence and some other a exercise.

Mosey to the bottom, stopping at every other level for 5 Hanging Toe Touches, 5 Hanging side Bends (single count) and 10 WWIIs.

Mosey back to parking lot to Murder Bunny all the way back to the wall.

Total Body Destroyers for 1 min.

Excellent work was put in by all men present.  Lots of parking lot dirt on shirts, arms and legs.  T claps to Bevo for pushing through with an IR worthy ankle!  You guys are Beasts!

Prayer Requests:  Huck’s work stressors and his GI illness, Lamb Chop and Kelly as they navigate fertility clinic and await test results, HOG with his move, so he will make new friends and visit his F3 Buds, and Bevo and TO as they await their new arrivals.

Announcements:  Upcoming Q school and Blood Drive.