Turnberry Open

QIC: Turnover and Huckleberry

Date: 4/25/21

PAX: Van Gogh, Greenspan, Rust Bucket, Drip, Burns, Spam

The marketing went out and the CSAUP was developed.  A promise of 2 hours of working out in Tanglewood Park.  Some details were provided – carry heavy stuff, 4 workout stations, start together end together. A beautiful Sunday morning for a workout and 8 PAX showed up for the first Turnberry open.  And that summarizes everything “happy” that happened that day.  Hence a 2 day late BB…..today I was able to open my laptop for the first time and I didnt have to be carried down the stairs by my kids.

0625 – a pile of heavy objects were displayed – 50lbs sandbag in a bucket, 40lbs dumbbells farmer carry, 30lbs Ruck, a log, 3 cinderblocks, and 2 3×2 wooden beams.  DQ pulls into the parking lot – “DQ….what’s up!!??  So glad you could be here!!”  it was not DQ and the gentleman thought i was crazy.  Off to a good start.

0630 – instructions – we will carry all of these objects 4.5 miles (whoops, ended up being 6.6 miles).  when you can no longer carry your object, set it down and everyone trades objects.  one cinder block placed on each of the boards for 2 pax to carry.  ruck also carries the log.  cinderblock overhead carry.  bucket however possible.  and farmers carry.  Each pax selected their object and off we went.  VG – “the one cinderblock seems really light compared to the rest of this stuff”………patience grasshopper.

station 1 – 11’s across the parking lot.  manmaker burpees with block on one end, bonny blares on the other.

what is that pile of cinderblocks doing there??? yep, add them to the beams.  one beam now as 3 blocks, one has 2 blocks.

station 2 – suicide burpees – start with 5 burpees, run suicide across pool parking lot, 4 burpees then another suicide, etc.   At this point, Van Gogh departs.  I was aware that he had to leave at 800 and it was time.  Wait…….that’s an hour and half and we are on station 2………yep.  miscalculation.  thankfully VG took one cinderblock with him.

what is that pile of cinderblocks doing there???  yep, add another block to each beam – 4 on one, 3 on the other.  there were rumblings of displeasure throughout, but this was the straw.

station 3 by playground – abs – 25 IC low flutter, LBC, Freddie Merk

Station 4 – by the pond – what is a terrible idea when your shoulders are dead and you are 2.5 hours in?   Bring Sally up merkins!  the pax would have walked out but their legs were dead and we have a mile left to go.

Carry all objects……wait……0.5 miles later after the hill at the pond the group decided to dump the log (sorry Bevo) and take one cinderblock off the 4 and have the Ruck carry it.  yes, the 4 cinderblock pole just hurt.  carry objects back to start….wait, after 0.25 miles the pax dumped the objects and crawled back to the start.  turnover drove into the park to pick up the objects.

DONE.  total……6.6 miles.

COT – well, the entire 3 hours, yes 3 hours, was one big COT.

The Moleskin

we knew this would be terrible, and it was.  why did we not carry the objects the final 0.25 miles?  i mean, so close!!  well, it was 930 and we were walking about 30 feet with each object before having to place it on the ground aka dropped it.

thank you VG for taking a cinderblock back with you – we all envisioned you skipping through the park with the cinderblock while we died out there.

I wish I had a picture of Greenspan’s face immediately prior to station 3 – he simply stated “man i am so happy that you did not put any additional Ruck plates out here”.  I replied ” we have 2 stations left”.  his face was simply defeat.

There were multiple attempts/yells about wanting a car or ATV to help carry these objects.  Randomly, Rust Bucket called out “I want my mommy”.

ditching the log- yes we did it.  I apologize Bevo but even Drip supported it so you know it was a requirement at that time.

start together, finish together……..hey RB where did you go?  He had no quiet and pulled us along.

Spam got stuck on the board carry, over and over.  not sure how, but it happened.  and the board carry hurt.

Burns and TO crushed it.  Burns made a comment about the ab station but i had lost hearing and most of my other senses at that point.  Burns also held the record for the farmers carry i believe.  He just wouldn’t put them down.

Drip stopped smiling for 30 seconds…….i shouldnt have to say anything else.  He also brought up the time YHC Q’d Dawgpound and used Bring Sally Up – this was prior to station 4 and he was not pleased with the flashbacks.

Lots of “this is stupid” talk and other pleasantries throughout.  Greenspan called us something inappropriate but again, my senses were gone by then.

it was a beautiful morning.  And it was the best 3 hours of my week.

bruising and bleeding from multiple pax – another successful CSAUP.  The 2021 Turnberry has ended.  Until next year……

1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    April 28, 2021 7:06 am

    Where to begin? I suppose a hearty “thank you” to Huck and Turnover for creating this monstrosity. Over the past couple of days as I have nursed by bruises and sore muscles, I have told several people of the event. To a person, they all asked “why?” That is a fair question. Why? For the same reason we run in the 200 mile overnight relay races, for the same reason IPC is so popular, and the same reason we workout at 530am- rain or shine.

    Other notable events include the group being stalked by a black cat for about a mile or so. At one point, another cat joined the hunt and we were pretty sure we were about to be attacked.

    Lots of curious people questioned our sanity. “This is like the Spartan games, right?” “You all doing this for the exercise?”

    Yes it was awful and yes, I am still sore.

    But I am already for the next one.

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