Something is stinking up the workout and I don’t think it is Dr Toot.

QIC: Drip

Date: 4/3/21

PAX: Cheesesteak, Root Canal, Atrophy, BooBoo, Picnic Basket, Kissinger, Toe Scab, Mutton, Drip


Mosey to Hanes Park entrance

10 Nolan Ryans, 10 Crab cakes, 10 Nolan Ryans, 10 Crab Cakes 10 Nolan Ryans, 10 crab Cakes 10 Nolan Ryans, 10 Crab cakes

20 Jump Swats OYO,  20 Frog Squats in Cadence, 10 Plank to Squats OYO, 20 Copperhead Squats in cadence.

Run up The Intimidator.  At each Stop Sign (facing forward or backwards do 10 single count Iron Mikes.

Run down to the YMCA parking lot.

At each cone do 10 burpees, Lunge walk to next cone. 10 burpees, Bear Crawl to next cone 10 burpees, Murder Bunny to next cone, 10 burpees crab walk to next cone 10 burpees

Mosey to Forsyth.  Ladder.  10 WWIIs/1 DC Low Flutter…1 WWII/10 DC Low Flutters

Mosey to cones: At each cone do 10 burpees, Lunge walk to next cone. 10 burpees, Bear Crawl to next cone 10 burpees, Murder Bunny to next cone, 10 burpees crab walk to next cone 10 burpees

Mosey to Chin up Bars

Partner up;

A.10 pull ups B. Plank Jacks until your partner is done.  Flap Jack Repeat 3 times.

Mosey to Launch

Asheville Abs

Saturday was a great morning to hang out with you guys.  Some interesting smells along the way while we were heading up Forsyth.  Good to meet Kissinger (note to self:  make workouts more difficult if he keeps coming to IS so he will at least look like he is working hard).