Finish What You Started

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 19 April 2021

PAX: Zima, Huckleberry, Crash, McHale, Van Gogh, Wobegon, Tigger, Dr. Toot (Q), Rust Bucket, Green Acres(WD), Michael Bolton(WB), Workbench, Turnover

PAX: Zima, Huckleberry, Crash, McHale, Van Gogh, Wobegon, Tigger, Dr. Toot (Q), Rust Bucket, Green Acres(WD), Michael Bolton(WB), Workbench, Turnover

An early arriving crowd was present as the brief drizzle passed us by as the gloom was ready to recede, I introduced myself to the assembly incorrectly multiple times until I received the approved name from Zima. Michael Bolton has the perfect attendance award yet again. The trophy is still being constructed.  Green Acres EC runs in and back to the abode, Tip O’ the Cap for that.

Warmorama: SSHs, Abe Vigodas, Whirleys, Stretchy stretches.

On behalf of McHale, who gets EC for HC and showing up short notice, there was no running, so we Apollo Creeded and Cariocied to the other parking lot for …….

The Thang: Everyone at every other parking spot for the merkin 4 Square. 12 merkins at the first corner, 11 at the second corner, 10 at the third corner, and continue rotating to each corner until you complete 1 merkin, which is three trips around the parking spot. The mode of transportation to each corner is the bear crawl ,side crawl, crawl bear, and side crawl yet again. Totes up to 78 merkins. WW II situps for the six. The PAX really got after having good form throughout and yet there was no dallying.

We slow moseyed to the next parking lot for a Life Affirmation-style set of frog jump (bunny hop) to the parking spot line for 1 burpee, mosey back to the start, hop to the second line for 2 burpees, etc. to the end of the parking lot, which was 8 lines, which adds up to 36 burpees.

We then moved to a brightly lit spot, so I could read my Weinke, to do The Dozen- Ab-style. 20 reps of pickle pounders, LBC’s, crunchy frogs, penguin crunches cheesesteak-style, Nolan Ryan’s, Freddy Merc’s, WW II’s, Jane Fonda’s, gas pumps, Heels to Heaven, Low Dolly’s, Low Flutter. Zima was very impressed with the perfect form and rapid, no rest speed of the Q as the standard bearer of the PAX.

We lastly moved to the second playground to complete the task set forth last week by Tigger, a ladder of 8 pull ups, 1 Lt. Dan, then 7 and 2, 6 and 3, etc. That adds up to 36 of each. Ironically, we ran out of time and did not complete the one thing I wanted to do, other than Zima and a few others, who is persistent if nothing else.

We made it back to the home base right at 6:15.

COT: Spoke about our finite time, so be intentional about using time as the precious commodity that it is, work hard, get up, study, love, and care for others with intensity.

Moleskine: Q FAIL_ I left two PAX so that I could achieve the magic 11 for attendance, but yes, 13 is the number. McHale got his money’s worth today by being the form master and did not skip a single rep. Turnover had an involuntary evacuation of his work space being down range from Von Tootenstein during the ab portion. Who knew pizza could do that? Tigger got the last laugh as I was unable to complete his previous workout for a second time. Van Gogh and Huck can do some burpees. I hear of a legend called Fender who would love to see them at Mayhem on Wednesday. Wobegon and Crash get it done without a peep of complaint. I need to step up my Q game. Rust Bucket’s new wheels must be good because he spent the day in the front. Workbench and Michael Bolton are attaining their rightful spot in the PAX pecking order as they are now passing people. Tigger, I think the keys are under the light pole.