Burns All Day

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 1 April 2021

PAX: Burns, Boo Boo, Cherry Pie, The H.O.G., Mutton, Dr. Toot, Work Bench, Red Baron, Zima, Greenspan, Huckleberry

PAX: Burns(WB), Boo Boo, Cherry Pie, The H.O.G., Mutton, Dr. Toot(WD), Work Bench, Red Baron, Zima, Greenspan, Huckleberry

A substantial crowd arrived at Calvary Day parking lot for a WIB-style beatdown and a hardy congrats to Burns for his faithful and stellar site Q leadership over the past decade. With the beatdown magic markered to the side of a grocery bag, the morning was off to a promising start. After an impressive recitation of the core principles of our group, it was on to…..

WARMORAMA: SSHs and lots of stretchy stretches. No more mess arounds. We needed to get right to it. So…

THE THANG: At the bottom of the parking lot, 100 squats, then run to the top for 7 burpees, return to the start for 90 LBCs. Run to the top for 7 burpees. Return to the start for 80 merkins. This continues through 70 mountain climbers (DC), 60 peter parkers (DC), 50 jump squats, 40 mike tysons, 30 lunges (DC), 20 archer merkins, and 10 diamond merkins. Simple as pie. We were done. Returned to the start for the…

COT: Kudos were given profusely for the leadership of Burns as the WIB site Q over the past decade. Indeed, he ran a smooth and tight ship. We spoke about motivation as instructional, not emotional. We spoke about excuses and reasons for not pursuing our best as untruthful statements. Urban Assault tomorrow should be a runfest as The H.O.G. will be the Q.

MNM: Turns out, this looked way better on paper as multiple PAX let me know throughout. Especially the 80 merkin, 70 mountain climber, 60 peter parker gauntlet. Lots o’mumblechatter. Cherry Pie is getting back to alpha position as The H.O.G. and Red Baron were leading the charge. Work Bench is climbing the leaderboard as his constant presence has improved his bad assery. Mutton and Boo Boo were able to cruise through the beatdown AND converse the entire time. Zima, Burns, Huckleberry, and Greenspan maintained the highest level of form and count throughout and certainly got their money’s worth.

So, I left the keys in the bag with the hammer. See you boys next week