Tabatha’s Super(max) Trip to the Village

QIC: Drip

Date: 3/27/21

PAX: Bevo, Turnover, Honey Badger, Zima, Crash, Root Canal, Van Gogh, Drip

Tabata 40 sec work 20 sec rest.  Three intervals, Run for 1 min between intervals (Thx Bevo!)  Repeat exercises for 40 seconds. 70 intervals for 36:40.

  1. 3 frog squats/3 squats;  5 SSH/run in place 10 step; 2 wide Merkins, 10 Mtn climber; 2 Reverse Lunges 2 Iron Mikes       Repeat 3 times  Run for 1 min
  2. Inch worm out, 4 shoulder taps, inchworm back 2 Burpees; 2 groiners and 2 plank jacks;  2 crabcakes 8 Russian Kickups, 2 Peter Parkers, 2 kick throughs.  Repeat 3 times. run 1 min
  3. WWIIs, LBC, King Tuts, Heels to Heaven run for 1 min.

The Nut Punch (so named by VG). A veritable buffet of Merkins.

What a great bunch of HIMs posting at SuperMax this morning! Van Gogh had applied a 2 for 1 coupon for today and who am I to refuse the offer when he has brought his special kind of Hurt so many times to IS.  Alert for future AOVQs at this site:  There evidently exists a secret manual for SuperMax containing tons of rules that must be followed.  YHC is not sure how to obtain said manual, but ignorance of the law is no excuse. No one really likes Tabatha, yet she keeps posting.  She is a bossy lady.  Bevo alternated between arguing with her and spouting sagely marital advice. I keep seeing Crash at F3 and he is crushing the workouts.  (May be time for a 3rd name change for him). VG and Root left before dessert to head to IS.  The mothership needs some love so I know their hearts were in the right place…and VG had the Q.  We did miss Root’s dance moves though.  The Nut Punch remains a crowd pleaser.  Seeing Iron Man Zima lying face down on the concrete helps YHC feel just a little better about all the suffering he has inflicted upon me during his Qs.  The Nut Punch doesn’t seem to phase Honey Badger, but then again, what workout  does slow down that man?  VG, thanks for the keys, I kept them for Alcatraz.