Nice and Easy Flatline

QIC: Honey Badger

Date: 3/9/21

PAX: Beevo, Van Gogh, Turnover, Wobegon, Work Bench, Huckleberry, Cheesesteak, Dr. Toot, H.O.G., Honey Badger


Mosey to parking garage, started up some classic rock tunes for motivation and got right to business with 25 hand release burp-ups. It appeared everyone was nice and warmed up after this so we skipped the arm swirly things today.


Mosied up the parking garage running backwards

Once we made it to the roof of the garage,  realized we didnt have any beams to do full burp-ups so we all gladly did 25 more regular burpees.

Mosied down stairs and made it a couple blocks down the road and stopped to do a quick 20 jump squats.

Continuee to mosy down the road, everone grabbed a rock or two for a quick core station:
-20 WWIIs in cadence but positioned with head downhill and feet uphill and rocks lifted overhead with each rep. Several pax, including myself, found ourselves sliding downhill some with each rep which made things interesting.

Mosied up hill to new Truist stadium where there was endless hills to utilize:

Uphill 1: bear crawl up hill
-5 Merkins
-5 WWIIs
-run back downhill

Uphill 2: sprint up hill
-5 lunges (double count)
-5 ski abs (double count)
-crab walk downhill

Between each hill: 5 burpees everytime

After several rounds of this we mosied down the road and found some benches to knock out
-20 dips
-20 diamond Merkins

Mosied back to 1st Pres parking lot to finish the morning off with some excellent Mary action led by several excellent Pax which included:
-American hammers x 20
-WWIIs x 20
-Freddie Mercs x 20
-Gas Pumps x 20
-finished strong with Huck suggesting ending with 10 more burpees, because…why not?


VG suggested a prayer request for Cheesesteaks butt cheeks after taking a couple spills during the beatdown

VG announced that Alcatraz and SuperMax shirt orders were approved yesterday with some epic designs

Beevo started pointing fingers at a few lucky PAX to help with Future flatline Qs.

I took us out with a prayer.

Had a blast Q’ing this one, grateful for these PAX who decided to follow me around for 45 minutes!

1 Comment

  • Jeff Leal
    March 9, 2021 12:58 pm

    Truly awful and so proud to be included with all the PAX. Great tunes

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