Don’t Piss on My Leg and Tell Me it’s Raining. IS 3.6.21

QIC: Burns

Date: 3.6.2021

PAX: Cherry Pie, Zima, Mutton, Drip, Spicoli, D Day, Turnover, Lamb Chop, Boo Boo, Pic-a-nic Basket, Van Pelt, Burns (QIC)

The title of the backblast comes from CoT. Cherry Pie and Van Pelt were trading war stories (read: COVID experiences) and Cherry Pie commented that he felt 10 years older working out, to which a few pax had some kind things to add on. Zima said something to the effect of, “Well at least we can keep up with you now,” and CP responded with the above quote. Not quite sure that the turn of phrase is properly applied, but it got some good laughs…

WoR – SSH x25 IC, 10 burpees, mosey to the track, IST x25 IC, mosey to the far end of the track, Whirlies x25 IC, mosey to complete lap around the track, Michael Phelps x25 IC, mosey to the field by Wiley Middle.

YHC was carrying 5 cones with me during warmorama and Zima thankfully stepped in to help me carry them during the last stretch of moseying. I’m not sure I could have carried them much longer. Little did he know I would ask him to help me spread them around the field in the shape of a baseball diamond – a process that he amazingly found a way to complicate. Once we had 4 bases and a pitcher’s rubber, we began the beatdown.

YHC took three exercise formats that use baseball fields from the F3 exicon and put them to use.

The first thang: Vicious Circle

Pax begin moseying around the bases (backwards…whoops) in a single file line. The pax at the very back runs to the pitchers mound and does 5 burpees, then rejoins the line at the front. Mosey around the circle until all pax do burpees once. Possible variants: bear crawls, lunge walks, crab walks, etc.

The second thang: 7 of Diamonds

Pax begin at home plate. 7 burpees at each base – after doing 4 sets we were all returning to home plate and Turnover did a 5th set so naturally the rest of us followed suit. 35 burpees total. Repeato, increasing by 7 reps each trip around the bases with different exercises each time. 14 merkins, 21 squats, 28 WWIIs. Had time permitted, we would have gone back down the ladder for 7 total sets, but we needed to move on to…

The third thang: Field of Dreams

YHC put my own twist on this one, so it’s not quite the same as the exicon lays it out. Pax partner up, and one pax bearcrawls to the pitchers mound and back while the other does AMRAP of the given exercise, then flapjack. Once both partners are done at a base, move to the next one. Home plate – American Hammers. First base – Hand Release Merkins. Second base – Reverse Lunges. Third base – Burpees. Pax completed two full trips around the bases, with Cherry Pie and Van Pelt leading the way.

With 10 minutes remaining, we moseyed back to the parking lot for some Mary. YHC led us through 2 sun salutations, the second with some extra stretchy-stretches thrown in. Then we did Muttons both sides, Heels to heaven, Penguin crunches, Low flutters, and ended with a Thistle.


YHC has had the baseball itch for some time now, as high school practices are just now resuming due to COVID restrictions and Spring Training is underway. Thus, with the help of the Exicon, I put together a baseball-themed (ish) workout. There is something in the exicon called F3 Baseball that may be coming to a beatdown near you at some point closer to Opening Day.

Boo Boo has trained Pic-a-nic Basket to drop a deuce whenever burpees are called

Turnover likes to tell you how bad a workout is while he’s multiple reps and/or rounds ahead of you.  Also worth noting, he put out the call for some pre-beatdown #2021challenge work and didn’t show for that. Not that anyone else did either, but it raised the question if you can say that you were “overserved” the night before if you were serving yourself.

Zima and Cherry Pie are an all-time MC duo. That conversation outlined at the beginning of the backblast was just the culmination of an hour of chirps.

D-Day was dragged far away from home for a cookie delivery, and decided for the beatdown.

Spicoli showed up a minute before we started, which is now the third or fourth time I’ve seen him do that in the past month. Should we change #SpicoliTime to another notoriously late pax? Bevo?? Just a thought…

Drip had the audacity to tell me that he had fun.

Van Pelt mentioned early on that he hadn’t been to a bootcamp workout in over a year. Let’s just say he looked fresh…his bearcrawls were by far the speediest of the bunch until Zima and Drip started racing.

Lamb Chop intentionally sabotaged one of the aforementioned races to give Drip a victory, too. He was my partner for the third thang and provided a great push the whole time. He also gave some hilarious insight into his middle school athletic career – if you check the Summit School record books he’s in there for the most home runs…given up.

I’m pretty sure there’s something in the Sutton blood that prevents LC and Mutton from ever getting tired during a beatdown. Mutton was also overheard lamenting the attendance at his more recent IS Q and I think if he didn’t make us run backwards up the Intimidator every time then maybe things would be different.

YHC was grateful, as always, that these men chose to spend their morning at my Q.


  • GreeNest happened, and will happen again in 2 weeks. Go ahead and clear your schedule now if you’re interested in helping from 9-1 on Sat 3/20
  • The vaccination centers aren’t fielding volunteer requests at this time, but continue to look for opportunities to get it. Some of the surrounding counties are using their surplusses at general drive-thru clinics and aren’t screening to make sure you’re in the proper “phase” of the rollout.
  • The ruck was Sunday morning at Hanes Park. Unless you’re D-Day or BAM, you missed it
  • Van Gogh is putting together a tshirt order for Alcatraz shirts – BOLO for info from him or Wobegon soon

Prayer requests for some recent lab results for Spicoli, and for all pax & pax family members currently fighting or recovering from COVID

Thanks for the keys, Drip. You can now use them to get into the Dash stadium, I think