The Road to Nowhere

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 2/10/2021

PAX: Drama Queen (WD), High Cotton, Pony Express, Tweety Bird, Crash, Mongoose, Splash, Van Gogh (WB) Boomerang

When the call went out earlier in the week from the Mayhem Site Q, Turnover, for a Q, YHC gladly accepted as it was probably going to be one of the last dry days of this week and is within 5 minutes of home. YHC sent one of his Burpee video, stating, “already working on the workout”. It may have scared some away but DQ responded with some humor intended (his words) comment, but showed up anyway.

Anyway a plan was quickly assembled, who could tell this morning, and we were set.

8 PAX and YHC arrived before the start, some mumbling about the potential for burpees and why did we need to do them, and the workout began.

Mission of F3 given and the 5 core principles were solicited from the PAX.  Making sure everyone was awake.

Warmarama was some of the normal fair-SSH, Arm Swirlies B&F, Seal Claps, Whirlies, Abe Vigoda and a stretchy exercise of some type.

PAX picked a rock to have them for the next 40 minutes and we were off.

The Path to Nowhere is a mystery as to why it is there but gives one the idea that it will go somewhere, who knows.  Maybe the city 1)had too much or too little left over asphalt from the parking lot, 2) they are waiting on the next bond referendum, to finish 3) it is a cruel joke or 4) they knew those crazy F3 guys would use it, no matter what!

Anyhoo the workout went something like this 10 walking lunges with rocks on the Road to Nowhere,  stop and perform 5 Burpees, and 10 each of squats (both sides) with rock, curls, merkins, WWII’s and OH Press. And Repeato until we are at the top. Did modify to 20 lunge walks or we would never have made it.

PAX completed between 11 and 14 sets, depending on who was lunge walking.

Mosey back to lot and we were done.



F3 Blood Drive 2/20-Still 21 spots open. Sign up or get up with Splash for instructions.

GreeNest 2/20, 60 Minutes has the Q. Plan is to help out first and third Saturday each month. Tweety Bird’s mom had F3 guys pick up some furniture and they were very complimentary of the guys and get process. Must have been a Saturday that YHC worked.

F3 Mocksville launches 2/13 at the old Davie High School. Drano is your man for details or check out one of the technology options.

Prayer Requests:

Tweety Bird’s mom continues to make good progress after her fall. Prayers for continued healing.

YHC took us out.


YHC continues to forget that we count first and namorama is second.  As usual the PAX are quick to remind.

No one really likes Burpees, especially Splash, although I think Fender does.

Those in attendance today who are not doing the 2021 Challenge don’t really care about the %&@&*! spreadsheet.

There was mention that music would have been a good thing.  The one time YHC doesn’t bring it, dang.

Pony mentioned that there will not be Burpees at his next Q.

The lady walking her dog this morning apologized as she walked by the first time, not sure why. Maybe she thought she interrupted some early morning ritual-lunging and rocks.

Strong work by the PAX and always an honor for YHC to lead.

Turnover the keys are with the lady with the dog, you can explain what we do when you pick them up.


1 Comment

  • Burns
    February 11, 2021 9:52 am

    Mongoose?? At a boot camp???

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