Tabata Pain Stations

QIC: 60 Minutes

Date: 02/13/2021

PAX: Van Gogh, DQ, Huckleberry, Workbench, Sour Mash, Sea Man, Subfloor, Hot wax, Crash Test Dummy, 60 Minutes (QIC)

Imperial storm trooper
Arm swirlys F & B
Ab Vagota
Whirly w/clap

Mosey to pick up block

Tabata Pain Stations
45 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest.
Each pain station has 3 exercises to work thru before transitioning to next pain station.
Station 1: Merkins, Skull Crushers, SSH
Station 2: Squat, Monkey Humper, Mt Climber
Station 3: Front Raise, OH Press, Bonnie Blaires
Station 4: American Hammer, LBC, Gas Pump
Station 5: Curls, B.O. Row, Alt Shoulder Tap

Mosey to put block up and then mosey back for some Mary.

Penguin Crunch
Box Cutters
Body Destroyer

Strong showing for a cold wet Alcatraz, but as promised I kept everyone dry. Attempted to break into 2 groups of 5 for the pain stations to encourage MC but the group revolted, so we transitioned to groups of 2.
Some stepped it up on the Alt Shoulder Taps and did variation of balls to wall.
Front raise w/cinder block not advised for future workouts
None complained of YHCs playlist and 2 even liked it enough to ask for specifics
Some were able to stick around for a beverage and conversation. Was great to get to know some newer faces.
Mash somehow got away from buying coffee yet again.

Mash and Schneiders cousin who recently lost their baby. Pray for their peace and comfort.
All those prayers on Pax hearts

DQ has the Mayhem Q on Ash Wednesday. He is always good for a themed workout!
Blood drive 2/20 – word is they take womens blood too
Looking for Greenest volunteers for 2/20. DM 60 Minutes to help out on 2/20

1 Comment

  • Van Gogh
    February 16, 2021 10:11 pm

    You were a kind Q to keep us under cover for the Beatdown! Kind, yet still offering up a brutal workout in the process! Thanks for leading, see you back out soon!

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